
I need opinions, what do you guys think about this?

by  |  earlier

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I'm considering asking out one of my close friends, we have both shown signs of interest and its eating away at me. i cant go on thinking what if. so what do you guys think, does this sound good?

(Insert name), you’re a great friend don’t get me wrong, but I don’t think I want to be just your friend any more, I want to be more. Ever since I asked about us this summer its been a poison in my mind, and I’ve decide that this risk is worth taking, lifes to short, and you know what im tired of just sitting back. I like you, and I hope that u feel that same way. I know this is sudden so its fine if you dont answer me, in fact don’t answer me yet, think about it first. I don’t care whether you want to say yes and jump into my arms right now, or you want to say that you never want to see me again, I just want you to think about it first, think about all that we could be together, and how happy we make each other now, and how much more we could. I know this is sudden and could end so lets start out slow and see how it works out, worst comes to worst we can just ease out of it, then again we could light on fire and make the world jealous.




  1. Gonna be awkward no matter what.  No matter what you say or do, there will be surprise and discomfort.  You also must be willing to face the risk that you can't really go backward from something like this.  The friendship can never be the same as it was before.  As long as you're ready for it, go ahead with what you've got there.

    A couple or three years ago, one of my closest friends at the time suddenly tried to kiss me.  It was extremely unexpected, and I had no idea how to react.  It definitely put an awkward wedge between us, and the easy friendship we had was in jeopardy.

    ...But we're married now.  :)

  2. Don't script it out, just go with the flow.

    Don't say too much without getting her opinions first.

    Just bring it up, and see what she thinks, then go into the why's.

    Make it a conversation not a lecture then response.

  3. Make it shorter - much much shorter and you don't sound that sure yourself, if a potential gf had of sent me that i would be thinking does she want me or not

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