
I need opinions about career institutes?

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i need all the input i can get about other experiences with career institutions such as penn foster, ashworth ( pcdi) and startford career institute or any suggestions of good ones would be helpful. i have too much on my plate right now to try to attend a four year college but, desires to further my education and skills




  1. If you notice that you seem to busy to further your education at a 4 year college than online is the way to go!

    You need to understand the difference between National Accredidation, and Reginal Accredidation though.

    Almost all of the colleges you listed are National. National sucks. It is more of a certificit more so than an acuatal degree, and unless you want to waste both your money, and your time than you will enroll in a regional university. I say this, becuase- if you do enroll in a national university... most employers wont recognize your degree. So maybe try like Colorado Technical University. CTU, they are online, the staff is really helpful, and they are regional. It is like going to a campus, but without having to actually revolve your schedule around.. just to go to school. =)

    My mom works there, so- any question feel free to message me.

    Yahoo- fuzyfritomizteto


    Okay, I understand that the answer below me states AIU is expensive- but AIU is regional, not national like Ashworth is. You get what you pay for in education. If a real diploma costs a little more, pay it. Otherwise, you'll end up paying like 9 grand for Ashworth, and it is worth nothing. So which one is really better? That is just  like throwing 9 grand out the window.

  2. Based on what I know about these career institutes, they are a fine way to start out.  They bypass the long, tedious task of going through a host of prerequisites and go straight to the job front in training the students for a hands-on career.  I personally think they are great, and most of them are much cheaper than the general 4- year college.  In today's world, we have a lot to think about and the large amount of money we have to pay back in student loans.  Getting a good, sound skill which will allow you to make a substantial living is a great way to go.  Later, if you decide on a 4 year college profession, you will have something to work with to help pay the bills.  Toni D. (a senior lady)

  3. i took the stratified high school program,and ashworth accepted the diploma,so i am taking a degree program with them and a career program.i havent had any problems with them,and paying monthly is good. i was going to go with American intercontinental university until the guy on the phone told me how much it was,they are expensive.ashworths courses are informative,and easy to understand,and they are making a lot of improvements,they even have graduation ceremonies now,they are having one in Aug.

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