
I need opinions about marijuana? ?

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I want people's opinions on marijuana. i'm not talking opinions like "you are stupid if you do it. you will die and kill people and do bad things if you smoke."

i want opinions like if you don't like marijuana, why? if you do, why? i'm just curious why so many people think weed is so bad. there are way more drugs out there that should be illegal but were approved by the FDA (pain killers anyone? Oxycontins? come on, these are just a couple steps down from heroin. fyi: oxycontins are synthetic heroin from what i understand.) thanks for the insight. 10 points for best answer :)





  1. I think that the abuse of marijuana is too far spread for it to work as a legal drug. If it hadn't been for the attitude that it's OK to abuse the drug then it would have been different. If you look at the example you gave, pain killers, there is not a tradition to view them as recreational drugs that's harmless to use. People do abuse them, but not in the same way.

    So from where I see it it's not about how strong or dangerous the marijuana is it's about how people view it as harmless and those that abuse it. Why open it up and make it legal when it causes enough problems as it is? Alcohol and tobacco causes a lot of problems too we all know that, why legalize yet another problem?

    Note that I use the word "abuse", there are some that can handle marijuana responsibly, just as they can handle alcohol and painkillers, but it's always the bad apples that ruins it for the rest.

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