
I need opinions for this boy problem i have! ?

by  |  earlier

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So, i've known this guy for a little while, but we like click! i met him at this church thing. He doesnt go to my church but our churches do stuff together. I like him ALOT! and i think he might like me. So my problem is, that i'm going to most likey see him at this church thing this weekend (that's not the problem) and i want his phone number. You know so we can get to know eachother better. But i don't want to be weird when i ask him, and i'm kind of a shy person. so any suggestions. . . .please!!!




  1. It should not be weird or awkward to ask for his phone number—it should be very easy. Since you are pretty much friends already, it should be a very relaxed situation.

    When you see him at your church, ask him casually for his number. I don't think he will react negatively to this, unless he does not feel comfortable giving out personal information. But since you both seem to be friends already it should not be too difficult a situation.


  2. Well, what I would do is I would try to find a common interest(eg, skating, soccer, etc...) whatever it may be. Then use that interest and ask if he could give you his number so you could do that thing together. If not, well, just get into a really deep conversation, and give him your number, and tell him to call you if he needs to talk. He should give you his e-mail,(or phone number) in return. Just be confident, and you'll do just fine.

    Hope this helps!

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