
I need + opinions! should i induce my labor at 39 weeks and 4 days?

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my dr. is giving me the choice to induce my labor at 39 weeks and 4 days along with no medical risk involved. i have people telling me not to and some saying its not a bad thing. my mom is saying that its going to b a constant pain... blah blah blah.... but on the other hand shes "rushing" me to have my baby in Aug. -I'm due the 31st- I'm not ready to have my baby but then again i am. i just have a million things going through my head. in a way o would like to be induced just so i know to expect what day my baby is going to come. for 1 reason, so i don't stop working too soon before he comes. well there's a lot more i would like to explain on here so people can better understand my situation. I'm just looking for women who have had this done when there was no medical risk involved. and if there's any risk to be induced. PLEASE NO NEGATIVE OR HURTFUL RESPONSES =)




  1. your so close to comming naturally that i would wait ive got 6 kids and 5 were inductions and now they made it that you have to be strapped to a monitor when they induce right up till you push your baby out this is so restricting if you want to be moving or changing your labor postions my next if it ever happens will not be a induction only because of that reason alone goodluck with whatever you choose

  2. i dont think you are really sure about it.

    i know for sure that it will hurt a lot more.... so, just for that, i wouldnt do it....

    on the other hand, you can plan things, so, give it a thought and choose whats best for you!

    good luck

  3. this decision has to be yours and yours alone, don't let your mom rush you.  There is always a risk when you induce labor.  The Potosian that they use has a blood thinning side effect, so you usually bleed a lot more then usual, Many babies don't react well to the Potosian and there is a higher chance that your labor will end up in a C section.  I don't know if this is your first child, but as you can expect labor is not a fun process, it is vary painful and the potosian makes the contractions much much more intense and painful.  Like i said earlier, this is your decision, but i had a labor induced, and i will NEVER EVER do it again

  4. my baby was born at 39 weeks 3 dys. i was induced and for no particular reason.

    my experience was this: i was feeling really cold and shaky and since i usually have low blood pressure, i was afraid that it had dropped. so i called my midwife and she said that that night they weren't busy, no babies in the ward!! so i went to the hospital to get my bp checked. it was ok. but she said i was already 3 dialated and she asked me if i wanted to start. right there and then, without thinking about it, i said yes.

    i had a painful labour, but i didn't use any pain relief - gas made me sick! i was in labour from 11pm to 6 am - not very long for a first one, but i had lots and lots of pushing. from 3.30am to 6.10am i was pushing and it was exhausting!

    i had a healthy beautiful baby, but next time round i'll definitely wait for labour to start naturally, because i believe that the pain i've been in would have been less, much less, if things were left to come naturally.

    so, either way it's going to hurt - but i'm pretty sure, i felt, that my body wasn't prepared for labour just yet, and that hurt more.

  5. Do what feels right for you. I would go for it but that's me not you. You will make the right decision for you and baby. : )

    In regards to your mom- Labor hurts either way.

  6. I had by daughter at 39 weeks, and she was fine! Born a healthy 8lbs.7oz. 19 in. long. They say that you can have an induction 2 weeks before your actual due date and the baby will be just fine. I loved knowing what day she was going to be born that way I was better prepared.

  7. I had labor induced with my first because of the distance from our house to the hospital. It was at 38 weeks. For me it was quick but I was already dilated 3 cm. Babies are considered full term at 38-40 weeks so I wouldn't worry too much about it. Perhaps the baby will make the appearance on his/her own before then anyways :) Well within full term safety that is.

    Good luck.

  8. I was induced with both of my girls and I think it is better. You know when it is coming so everyone can be there and not rushed but at the same time I wish I knew what it was like to go into labor and everything being chaotic haha your baby will be full term so there is def no risk in doing it and maybe the baby will deside to come earlier than the date you set! good luck

  9. I don't see it being a problem as long as it is what YOU want.  Or you can wait 3 more days and be induced at 40 weeks.  Either way should be fine.  Who knows, the baby may decide to come on his/her own even before the scheduled inducing.  Good Luck and a healthy delivery

  10. no, your baby obviously isnt ready to meet everyone yet =]

    please answer my question!;...

    or anyone reading this answer !

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