
I need parental control override password (10 points)!!!!!!!!!?

by  |  earlier

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where ever i go they say you need the override password i need the override password for example if you go to world the website is blocked. i hate that or when you go to ebay and bid on some stuff so example if you bid on a psp some of the bid on psp works some of them dont so can you plz give me the ovverride password if you know. plz tell me. i will be more then happy if you tell me and very pleased and you will get 5 star if your ovveride password is correct and 10 poits and best answer. plz tell me the oveerinde password if you know plz. gotta get 10 poits plz answer.




  1. You really are a r****d but I am going to help you out anyway. Your parents or whoever setup the override password most likely did it through your router. Go to The default username is admin and the default password is password. If those are right, then you can just look around on that page and you should see something about parental controls or security. Just turn it off and you are good. Btw, with someone of your brain capacity knowing this, youre very likely to s***w up the settings for your router and mess up your internet connection altogether. So... have fun.

  2. Hi - can you post some more detail:

    1. Are you the only user of that computer?

    2. Who setup parental controls?

  3. 0000

  4. there is no one Override password.  This is the password your parents set up so that THEY can access sites they don't want you to access.  So again, there is no universal password.  Sorry.  You are out of luck.

  5. whoever set up the parental control would know it but i cant help u with an overide sorry

  6. uhh... What software is blocking it? It sounds like you'll need to talk to whoever set it up.

    you can use a proxy:

  7. The password is:ASK YOUR PARENTS.

    I'm sure if it's an appropriate website they wouldn't have any problems giving you the password.  

  8. Your mom or dad set the password, there is no way any of us know it.

  9. I have never seen the phrase "plz" more times in one paragraph before in my life.

    If you have installed a parental control and you have forgotten the password, there is no way that we can help you if you do not at the very least, tell us what parental control software you have installed.  For all we know, you may be using some kind of hardware filter that is built into your router.

    Please consult the documentation that came with your filter to see if there is an override method.  If there is not, you may have to reset the software/hardware.  If the company that made your filter software/hardware has customer support services, please contact them.

    If you are in a school or office environment, then please contact the network administrator to inform them that their filter is causing you problems.  They will help you solve your problem.

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