
I need people’s opinion...

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In a way of searching for a love, I want my partner to be so handsome, highly educated, having good job with good salary, well dressed up, and really good in bringing himself towards the public. Is it good or bad if I’m so choosey about my life partner as every people having their own dream girl or dream boy?




  1. No, it isn't going to be hard to find someone like that.  Just wait for the right person to come and you'll be amazed.  Don't lower your standards.  

  2. hahah s***w personality then.

  3. its gonna be jard for u to find one if u want all those features

  4. Its a good thing to know what you want, however; your describtion don't leave room to compromise.  For example what is so handsome and what do highly educated means? For A real relationship to work there must be understanding, compromise, realistic views of each other goals, desires and capability combine with commuciation.  

    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, a good job and salary may not be as satisfing for everyone, especially if its not what they wish to do. (money is not everything to all people, some people like to enjoy what they do even if the money is not that great), and education can open doors for some people but for others it don't. Some people have knowledge but is an educated fool.  

    All I'm saying be a little bit more open.  Everyone do have personal perference for their future mate,  but if it sounds too good to be true it probably is.  

  5. Well its nice to dream but there's no such thing as the perfect person and if you pass up all the close but not so perfect people you'll likely end up alone and miserable.

  6. its not bad, u should get what you want, why shouldn't you? but don't turn down a date because they aren't dressed well or don't get paid as much as you like etc. give everyone a chance, you may be surprised!

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