
I need period help.?

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I'm 12 years old. My stomache has been feeling weird and I've been nauseous on and off. I'm gonna carry tampons and pads in my backpack when school starts for me next week just in case. I also feel bloated. ugh. "Down there" is a tiny bit sore too. Am I gonna get my period soon?




  1. same age as meee when i did...however I had no symptoms before hand..

  2. yeah most likely, but just do what your gonna do! your prepared and thats awesome!

    good luck!!

  3. ya, you probably will, i was 12 when i started and that is when most people start.  just if you feel it go to the restroom and put on a pad or something.  you should start out with pads, not tampons.  

  4. It sounds like you are. Don't worry after a while you will be able to tell the warning signs and things will feel more normal :)

  5. You are at the age where that begins to happen, & those are signs that it should start. I wish i could tell you when. For the first year your period won't have a regular schedule, but you'll get signs that it's "going to". Wait till you get the cravings. I always want chips or sweets just the week before... oh & got to love the zits. That is my week ahead warning that i better make sure i have my feminine products handy.

  6. yes, but tampons are not for 12 year old girls

  7. You could, your getting some of those tell-tale signs. Be prepared when your stomach starts to hurt and cramp get ready. You can relieve these period symptoms with paracetamol, hot water bottles, a little bit of exercise.  

  8. yea but dont think its embarressing its completely normal!

  9. Your symptoms sound about right. But, my doctor said you could feel like that randomly or about 4 months before your period even starts. Just bring pads to school just in case.  

  10. You might.  Bloating is normal and I feel a little pain down there when I get my period too.  As for the stomach feeling weird, I had an upset stomach the few days before my first period.  So yeah, you may get it soon.  Good luck!

  11. yes but dont fear darlin its gonna be just fine lol

  12. it seems that way dear.

    im so sorry for you.

  13. You probably will.  I got really moody before my first period.  You will also have a clear discharge, you have it for about a year before you start.  

  14. yes you are sometime you feel like your going to throw up one thing you will get moody

  15. it's very possible if your b*****s start to feel tender when you press on them then yes you are so be cautious in school.  

  16. Probably.

  17. Well, these sound all like sick effects of getting your period.

    Yes, bring pads to school.

    But, do not jump to conclusions, some of this pain could be in your head, and you have the flu of some sort.

  18. Deffiently,

    your right at the age and you have all of the symtoms make sure too get your mom to buy you so pamprin pain killers for period it helps alot. Stay Strong.

  19. yup yup. enjoy. lmao

  20. Questions like this should be spoken about to your parents. A sensitive question of this nature shouldn't be discussed by a youngster like you.

  21. most likely. or you may just be sick. if you don't get your period within a couple of weeks, i would see a doctor.

  22. Welcome to Womanhood sweetie!

    Those are typicaal sign, yes.

  23. I never had that problem. But it might sound like you are going to get it soon... Ask your mother to take you to the doctor and as him/her some question.. Also describe to him what you are describing to me and everyone else on here!

    Good Luck!

  24. well yes and no!!! it can be new body changes your going throu.....but then again bring them just in case....i know how that of luck!

  25. yep, now the fun starts,  moods, stomach aches like you'll never imagine, and the most annoying thing ever.. i'm just telling you whats going to happen, brace yourself!

  26. probably

  27. Erm probably. I'm the same age as you and got mine sooooooo.... Yes, you probably will within the next few weeks. Don't worry about it though, it's totally normal and as long as u have a pad or something on most likely no one will notice it.

  28. Yes i think u will get ur period soon. Those are typical signs of the onset of period.

  29. yes, you will probably get your period soon. Wear panty liners in the meantime.  I do not suggest trying tampons as they hurt and rip through your hymen if you're a virgin- they are also unhealthy.  Try putting one in a water bottle with some water, shake it and you'll see how many harsh soaps and chemicals are in there. Ps:  cranberry juice or camomile tea and plenty of water help alleviate those symptoms.

  30. You might. I would wear a pantyliner just in case it comes and you aren't ready for it. Also, talk to your mom and ask when she got hers. I heard it was genetic when you get yours. My mom got hers when she was 14 and so did I. Sore b*****s are another sign of your period coming.  

  31. Yea it does sound like you could get it really soon. Its smart that you are prepared. Good luck! :)
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