
I need pet turtle help!

by Guest63132  |  earlier

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i have 2 pet turtles how do u know if they are a pair, how big do they have 2 be 2 lay eggs if they are a pair and do they need any special sand if they r old enough 2 lay eggs?




  1. You can tell if they're a pair by their shell, or whether or not they were fighting. If they were fighting, they're probably both males. You can also tell by their tale length, bigger is male, smaller is female.

    You can't tell if they're ready in terms of size but in terms of age. If you don't know how old they are, I would say ten inches is ready.

    The equipment you'll need if they are breeding separation during hibernation season. (They can't even smell each other during hibernation if you want baby turtles,) because since they hibernate, they don't see other turtles. This isn't always the case, but I would play it safe. You'll also need an incubator for the eggs set to the right temperatures. In the incubator, you will need damp sand.

    If you want to really make sure about your genders and if they're ready take it to someone who's bred before, a reliable pet shop owner, or a vet.

    I hope I helped!

  2. Aquatic turtles mate and lay egges may thru june. eggs hatch in 80 to 90 days,,..Use a 30 gallon tank.  Keep the water warm but shallow (About 5 inches), since during the mating the male might get so concentrated that he might forget that the female has to go out for breathing!.

      After mating It is advisable during pregnancy to keep the female separate from the male, so that she will not get disturbed so much.  You should handle her ONLY when absolutely necessary.  Keep the water very clean and give her enough space.  Heating is also very important as they will spend a lot of time basking to warm themselves and the eggs inside.  You might notice a change in the appetite of the female, she might refuse to eat.  This is normal.  Nevertheless, continue offering her food and consider a dietary change, she might feel inclined to eat certain things only.

      Nesting quarters Prepare a 20 gallon tank with about 4 inches of potting soil or soil/vermiculite mixture. You should start to observe the eggs more carefully about 80 to 85 days after they had been laid.  Hatching time is comming!  Once the time comes, the hatchings will cut the egg shell with something called the egg tooth, which falls out about an hour later and never grows back.  If they don't feel secure, they will remain inside their shells.  Do not try to take them out until they have come out on their own. (they might not come out until the following day).   Once they come out, you will notice a small sack hanging out of their bellies. This is the yolk sac that fed them while they were incubating.  DO NOT try to remove this sac, trying to remove it can kill the baby turtle.  It is better to wait that it drops on its own.  Once it drops, you will notice a split in the plastron.  This will heal by itself too, you don't need to treat it.

    they like the adults need..Did you know that they need to bask under a reptile light for  8 to 10 hrs a day for the vitamin D that  they need to grow.

    Leave the heater on 75 to 78 degrees always.

    Their water needs to be clean otherwise they get sick easily from dirty water cause they p**p allot.

    You need a good filter system!

    You need to feed them feeder guppies, goldfish or minnows for protein and calcium daily.

    They need leafy greens for vitamins at least 3 to 4 times a week.

    And a big tank 55 gallons or more..

  3. As long as they look alike, you either have two females or they are immature. When the male gets to be sexually mature, his front claws will be significantly longer than the rear ones. He may start stroking the female's head with his front claws but this does not necessarily mean that they are going to mate or that the other one is a female. Once you see them actually mating, provide the female with a box of potting soil for egg-laying.

  4. what kind of pet turtles do you have?

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