
I need points to oppose that teachers are not good now a days at teaching behaving etc?

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  1. many states, it's truly a mix....some teachers can barely pass the very exams they hand out......attitudes are not formed and kept in check at home....throw in the mix that schools now have their hands tied. If they even "look" at a student the wrong way, it's time for a lawsuit...there was a BIG swing in attitudes of students in school during the 60s, and it hasn't gotten better sad to say....And let's face it, students are smart..they know that the more that the outside influences hands are tied, the more they'll push the envelope to do whatever they want! And, it's working! To the negetive, but it's working!

  2. I am only thirteen and I think that it is both the students and teachers fault. Teachers aren't disciplining well enough but students aren't really helping this at all!

    I have had 5 different english techers this year and I am afraid that my English levels are going down a lot and I am not doing as well as I should be. The other people in my class have just been driving teachers away and I am now worried about my education.


  3. Excellent question.

    I think we should resurrect Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold, make clones of them, send them all out to the schools everywhere and, you know, just slaughter them.

  4. Amen PJ!  As a teacher, I have kids that come in and think they own the place.  It starts at HOME!  Parents are NOT doing their is the teacher's job to teach their subject, not raise the child. :)  Peace.

  5. The problem isn't the teachers.  The problem is the students and their parents.  Children should be taught how to behave at home - parents are falling down on the job and they don't back up the teacher - the stand behind their obnoxious, spoiled brats and say the teacher is wrong.


  7. My 60 year old math teacher hits on my bff, and we are in seventh grade! He says hi to her and talks to her like shes his best friend and she never turns in her homework. i always do and ill be standing right next to her and he wont say hi to me.

    one time he told her that he just romanticly looked up and she was there! He also called Jake an ***!

  8. Please when teachers can't grade in red pen anymore because it hurts kids feelings you have a problem. Then on top of that give them at least 50% as a homework grade when they didn't even do it. Last thing we would want to do is hurt their feelings. George Carlin even wondered why every other country had more scientists then us. Let's just keep lowering the IQ in this country by a couple more points.

  9. WEll first thing is that you should learn to learn for yourself as its lifelong learning process.

    1st thing do a google search or go to the library and start reading up on the subject your are doing for debate.

    Ask teachers for help if you need it because believe it or not most want to help students learn...

    So you need to also interview teachers for your opposing points.


  11. teachers are definitely rude they call u stupid and swear at of my teachers told me i wasn't gonna make it to high school and others try to put u down in worse ways i hate them....and actually parents do sometimes take there sides just because there adults...and teachers are liers ugh what i would do to my math teacher....that non proper w***e! lol.....n/e ways i agree there bad at behaving and they act as if they need 2 go 2 rehab....


  12. Actually, you don't need points for that, it is a is also a given that it is not their job to teach behaving, that is a job two adults that brought that student into the world have failed to do if the student acts up and cannot behave.  That is my take on the subject.  That is a point you can use to oppose the question of teacher's abilities to control students.

  13. The reality of this matter is that even though grown adults are grown and hold more wisdom than the children of this world , a lot of adults in this day and time still haven't matured themselves.  So, to try and oppose the fact that teachers aren't good at teaching and behaving etc. is rehtoric.  Most of them aren't good at doing their job and thats a proven fact that every being of this world can agree on.  Teachers dont initiatively sacrifice their extra time to help alot of the children ( most teachers ) ......  Statistics concerning the knowledge and education that children these days obtain from elementary school on up prove that..

  14. teachers shouldnt have to teach behavior anyway.  that is a parents job.  but many parents pawn their jobs off on the teacher because they are too lazy to do it on their own.

  15. I don't know about you, but I have teachers who:

    Get angry with students when they need help

    Pretend that they cannot hear students who have a question

    Arrive to class about five minutes late everyday

    Leave the classroom without telling the students, then stay gone for about 10 minutes

    Use class time to check sports scores on the computer

    I really don't know if this helps you, but I hope it does.

  16. you cant oppose something like that.  teachers are horrible nowadays.  just a couple months ago my english teacher dragged a kid outside and slammed him against the wall and his back bled...  just for not doing homework.  another teacher punished the class because only 4 people did the extra credit.

  17. My child was sleeping in class and when I found out I asked the teacher why she hadn't notified me, sent him to the office, made him stand up or something.  She said they are told to ignore it because they can't cause the child any "embarrassment" by waking them.   What???  That's why teachers do a horrible job....because everyone complains about it so much the schools are afraid to discipline when necessary.

  18. If you're opposing it, then yeah:

    1) It's the parents' job to teach their kids to behave and the teacher's job to teach them academic curricula.  Too much responsibility is falling upon the heads of teachers and parents aren't taking responsibility.  And this isn't just showing up in the academic arena - parents shirk responsibility in plenty of places.  For instance, if their kids dress badly, they blame the media, not their own refusal to lay down the law in their own house.

    2)  There are methods of teaching that are becoming more prominent today that reward kids for doing good things.  This is shown to be very effective in supporting good behavior.  For instance, instead of constantly scolding a kid for talking in class, etc., teachers will thank students for asking permission or raising their hand or being quiet in class.  This encourages the students to behave because they specifically receive praise in front of the whole class.  So it really depends on the teacher and their personal attitude toward teaching.

    Hope that helps!

  19. just point to any of the news clips recently showing the teachers putting offensive pictures on their websites that are viewable by all audiences.  (one teacher had a pic of her doing a belly shot off another female she was partying with)

    The kids have no respect for someone that behaves like that.

  20. 1) Dont blame the teachers blame the person who hired them if they are so bad.

    2)Maybe the teachers are only giving effort to what there getting paid

    3)Maybe the school doesnt provide the right equipment to teach.

    Best i can do wit no background of the teachers

  21. For a debate, you need to be able to cite your source or you will be laughed off the podium. Are you going to cite Yahoo Answers?

    Go to the library and use books.


  22. Well I go to westwood highschool in Florida and pretty much all my teachers suck.  


    * NO disipline

    *most allow the kids to break the rules and do what they want

    * They dont know what their teaching but they teach what they read but when you ask them questions they can't explain it

    * Some dont teach very much but rather talk and hang out with the kids

    * some teachers are inappropriate and talk about adult things

    I can go on.

  23. Amanda C and PJ have it right.  Parents are soft today.  The US doesn't help, each state has a family services division, that will not allow parents to spank children.  Now kids are wild because they have nothing to fear.  These kids then go to school and are out of control. Teachers shouldnt have to teach behavior.

  24. Teachers in the US have to options when it comes to punishment - the MOST we can do is send the student out of class.  We can talk to the student, talk to the parents, talk to the administration.  That's it - there is NOTHING we can do to punish a student for bad/rude behavior.  Case closed.

  25. Do you mean "teaching and behaving" or do you mean "teaching students how to behave in society"?

  26. ATROCIOUS grammar, sentence structure, punctuation and clarity. Your sentence portrays you as being on the side that believes they are good at teaching "behaving". It is NOT their job to teach you how to behave, at this point you are supposed to know good from bad. Society has taken all the methods of discipline out of their arsenal.......the worst they can do is give you a detention or a bad grade. If you were being disciplined at home then that would be more than sufficient, unfortunately most parents want nothing to do with teaching their children manners, good behavior or responsibility. Government has "walked" into our homes and told us that even spanking or taking away a privilege can land a parent in Court. The results of this intrusion is evident in schools all across the Country. Now get your behnd back to English class and try to learn and Behave.

  27. It may not be that teachers are less capable at maintaining good behavior, etc. in the classroom; but it may have more to do with the fact that teachers really can't do much to students any longer in the way of discipline.  I remember being scared to death of our Vice Principal when I was in High School because that was back in the day when schools could still handle students.  Now you do anything to a student and here comes the ACLU or the lawyers!

  28. well, in my school, one of the 7&8th grade teachers was flirting witha couple of 8th graders and has not been fired.

    he is super freaky.

  29. Teaching behaviour is not a subject. So teachers do not teach it. Its a learned thing from parents mainly.

  30. The only way to do this is to say that the students of today are worse than they were in the past. I have taught for over 20 years and it is the students, not the teachers that are worse.

  31. Good behavior starts with the parents and continued good behavior depends on the parents' involvement in the child's life.

    I will say one thing for teachers nowadays.  They're being forced to work with one hand tied behind their backs.

    In the past (like when I was a kid going to school in the eighties), if you were a f**k-up, the teacher would call the parents in and say, "Hey, your kid is a f**k-up."  The parents would (hopefully) take the kid home and straighten him out.

    Nowadays, the teachers aren't allowed to say certain things and every POSSIBLE thing that could be wrong with your child is off-limits for teachers to even mention, even if the teacher is 100% certain of what's wrong and how to fix it.

    This whole thing of "parents suing schools because they don't like something they heard" is ludicrous.  How are teachers ever gonna get the message across to parents of messed up students if they're prohibited from telling an inconvenient truth?

    I know of a teacher who worked at a preschool that caters to rich parents.  She saw ALL of the signs of childhood autism in one of her students.  She didn't come out and SAY "your kid is autistic," but she strongly urged the parents to take the child to see a doctor and have him/her check for signs of autism.

    The parents were SO offended at the INSINUATION that there could be something wrong with their kid that they brought this to the attention of the director and threatened to sue the school unless this teacher was fired.

    Sure enough, the teacher was fired........ and the kid really WAS autistic.  Unfortunately, failure to CATCH it in its early stages made life a LOT tougher for the kid who is now struggling FAR more than necessary.

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