
I need potty training advice?

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This is my first time potty training and I have absolutely no clue how to go about it. So if anyone has any tips I would appreciate it.




  1. the rule of thumb on potty training is to watch and see if your child can "predict" a BM.  If he's at that age where he goes and hides, then yep he's ready.  Potty training is scary for lil guys.  Its up to you to make it as easy as possible.  Buy either alil portable chair, or get a step stool and a seat that can be put on the normal toilet.  I like the second one better, less mess to deal with.  Get those flushable wipies!!! A few books for you to read to your child that talks about using the bathroom helps.  Just whatever you do, and no matter how bad the accident gets, dont loose your patients.  And believe me, accidents happen.  We found with our 5 kiddo's, that the best thing for us was to use underwear with the plastic coverings.  I hated pullups, but for some people it works.  Just my kids continued to think of them as diapers.  We switched to underwear and had them potty trained in a month or two at the tops.  Currently working on a very stubborn 23 month old.  but this is soooo one of them times where that saying comes to mind,"all good things take time."  Take the fear out of the bathroom, and things will go so much better.  Always praise even if there is no BM.  just getting them to the toilet without hassle is a step in the right direction.  Good luck!!!

  2. There are books and video's about potty training that may help you.  Many of them have the popular cartoon characters that little ones like.  Also take your child to the restroom as often as possible.  Make sure you tell them how proud you are of him/her for using the potty.  You may also try getting a treat of some sort.  Your childs favorite candy, or fruit snacks.  An example would be M&M's.  Each time your child uses the potty give them an M&M and tell them how proud you are.  Good luck with your adventure.  

  3. Wow am looking for good answers too...But here is how i have started kid doesn't wear diapers and he takes them out himself...diapers make him uncomfy.

    So at home is walking around without a diaper...and when he starts to p**p I rust him to the potty...loudly saying 10 times potty potty..also for the pee i do similar he told me he had to p**p WOW...

    Also once you keep him open you kind of know what he is up to...

    Oh I have put rubber mats on the area rugs...thankfully i have wood floors so am able to deal with cleaning up soon...

    Hope this helped...looking forward to reading more answers.

  4. Start when your child shows you signs. Ex.  pulling off diaper, telling you that they pee or pooped.

    Buy underwear or panties. A lot of them!

    Put your child in them for the day with the exception of nap time.

    Place your child on the potty every hour on the hour.

    Reward your child with an M&M when something comes out.

    STAY WAY FROM PULLS UPS!!!! They are just as absorbent as diapers. The whole trick to potty training is for your child to feel uncomfortable enough to want to use the potty. Pull ups where created to make more money off of you. If your child is ready and you're consistent your child will be potty trained within four to five months.

  5. My daughter is 23 months old and will be 2 on the 12th of September. I am trying to potty train her. She will tell me she has to potty after she has a BM. I am constantly asking her if she has to potty. I will sit her on the potty for at least 15 minutes and nothing then she will get up walk out and pee. This is my first child also and I am sooooo lost also. I mean really how do you know if your child is ready for the potty?  

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