I am currently gutting the kitchen in the house I just bought...new dry wall, floor tiles, appliances, cabinets and countertops. I found a place where I can buy prefabricated 3 cm granite slabs for a good price, and I found a shop to make the cuts for me. My question is should I try to tackle the installation myself? It is an "L" shaped counter and there will be 1 seam in the corner. Is it possible for a novice, first-timer to make a good seam as long as the cuts are made right and I level my counters off to at least 1/8" level. I obviously don't have gorilla grips, but the guys at the shop who will do my cuts told me I can dry fit my counter, shim it level, pull it apart about 1/8" and fill the seam with epoxy, butt the pieces up together, and use clamps on top of scrap granite pieces polished-side-down over the seam until the epoxy sets. I don't need perfect results, but I would like it to look pretty good. Should I attempt this?