
I need real mexican recipes, not all this other americanized stuff. ?

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I need real mexican recipes, not all this other americanized stuff. Is there a website where i can find any REAL mexican food recipes? NOT ALL THESE AMERICANIZED DISHES that just taste like taco bell and, that dont even taste like REAL mexican food. Or can any MEXICANS give me some good recipes? Like how to make pasole, or rice, or soups or anything?? my husband is 100 % mex, and i want to impress him.




  1. good ? im in the same boat.  we've been married for 7 years.  how i learned to cook the real deal is by taking my hubby shopping and having him help me cook the dishes.  also, from my sister in laws helping me.  further, by going to mexico and cooking/learning with my mother-in-law.

    you must know that many dishes like mole,rice,salsa,etc. are cooked differently depending on which area of mexico ur man(anyone) is from.

    the best thing you can do easily is start studying up on chiles (peppers) and salsas, what goes with what.  even if you botch a dish or cut of meat, a good authetic salsa will fix 'em up.

  2. spanish rice.. BROWN rice in a skillet for about 6 or 7 minutes with Mazola cooking oil, then add 2 cups water and quarter a whole onion, add to rice, add 3 tablespoons beef flavor boullion and 1 can tomato sauce, salt to taste.. cook until onion is transleucent and rice is abuelita makes this for me and i was honored to recieve this recipe and many more AUTHENTIC mexican food recipes..

  3. Here are a couple of my family's recipes. These are the only ones i know the ingredients for off hand. I hope you like them.

    Agua Horchata (Rice Water)

    2 cups rice

    5-6 mexican cinnamon sticks

    1/4 cup sugar

    2 cans condensed milk


    combine rice, cinnamon, and enough water to cover. Let sit for 1 hour. Blend in a blender. Pour through a very fine sieve or colander into a pitcher (it has to be fine or the drink will be gritty). Add cold water  and condensed milk to pitcher (about 2 qts.). Mix well. Serve chilled w/ ice.


    ALBONDIGAS (meatball soup)

    This is my mom's recipe for albondigas, the only difference is she never made it with vegetables. You can substitute the zucchini,carrot,and potatoes for whatever veggies you like or you can leave out the veggies completely.

    1-1/2 to 2 lbs. Ground Beef

    1 cup Whole Grain Rice

    1 bunch cilantro, chopped

    2 large eggs

    2 medium bellpepers, finely chopped

    3-4 potatoes, diced into medium size pieces -optional

    2 carrots - optional

    1 zuchhini, chopped - optional

    1 medium onion in slices

    1 can tomato paste

    1 Tbsp. Beef Boullion or consomme

    1 tsp. dried oregano

    additional cilantro for garnish

    salt to taste


    Make meatballs: combine ground beef, cilantro, eggs, 1/2 cup rice, bellpepers,salt and pepper.

    Form into golf ball-sized meatballs. set aside.

    Fill a large pot with enought water to cover meatballs and vegetables by 3 inches, bring to a boil. Add meatballs to water. cover and cook for approximatley 25-30 minutes.

    Meanwhile in a sautee pan, cook onions in 2 tbsp. oil until translucent;add tomato paste. cook about 2 minutes. transfer tomato/onion mixture to pot with meatballs.

    Add 1/2 cup rice, oregano, beef boullion and vegetables. Season to taste. cover pot and continue to cook on a medium-low heat until meat and vegetables are cooked through (approximatley 20-30 minutes). Garnish with cilantro and serve with warm corn tortillas and hot sauce. Enjoy.

  4. ok you can email at: extassy_2002@

    I can give u meanly ok real ones good ones and easy ones.

    Finally realizes that taco bell el pollo loco and even Mexican taco shop serve nothing but not all that good and americanized versions of what one day was Mexican, or create things and called them Mexican food ?>????


  5. i cant give u any on here but look on the internet (yahoo or google search it) BARIO CAFE in phoenix AZ call the number it gives u and ask for some good recipes i went there this past friday...they dont even have burritos or nachos they are real traditional and im sure they would be happy to give u a recipe

  6. Gee...was saying "americanized sucks" three times suuficient? Why don't you save yourself further embarassment, and Google "Interior Mexican recipes"?

  7. Rick Bayless is an American living in the Yucatan and he is basically the current Mexican Food guru on public TV.

    I've watched his show a few times and his stuff is pretty authentic. I live in the Southwest in a largely Mexican neighborhood, so I am exposed to traditional Mexican dishes on a regular basis and can cook a few. Bayless catches those flavours in his dishes.

    A few tips. Use fresh chilies where you can and roast them before using them in various cooked chili salsas. Roasting chilies brings out the natural flavours and sugars in chilies.

    Website below with a link to his Recipe List:

  8. The library is a great place to get ethnic cook books.

    Also, I have the Mexican cook book put out by Sunset, and it's actually pretty good.

  9. my husband is also 100 percent mexican; and every time i go to his mother in laws...she cooks..yumm. one dish in particular that is delicioussss is called "tinga".

    you need :

    2 original flavored rotisserie chickens shredded.

    1 white onion.

    1/2 head of cabbage.

    2 medium sized cans on chopotle in adobo blended in blender.

    cut the onion and cabbage up, put into a large pot w/ some oil...cook until soft, then add the shredded chicken in to the pot, along with the chopotles. cook for about 15 minutes. its great !! also try it on tostadas.

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