
I need real proof that McDonalds allows nasty things in their meat???

by Guest32186  |  earlier

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Can you give me a real site or FDA report? Any real evidance its bad.




  1. Two and type in McDonalds.  The other one is do a google on "McDonalds" + meat + FDA   like that.  Try other hit words but most people don't really know how to use a search bar.  Put words in parenthesis if there are more than one or words that can be broken.  Ex:  "Where Blackbirds Fly" + "by Edwin Smithsan"  That way you'll get hits on the first string +/or the second string (don't look this one up.  It doesn't exist LOL)

    Also between words you WANT to keep in the results use a space + space between the words.  Ex: Dogs + Shepherds + breeders

    You'll get good hits if you do this.  Happy hunting.  

    Oh, I used to work for MckyD's and the only thing nasty that as a trainer I had a heart attack once was when one of my people dropped a patty, picked it up and put it back on the grill...Trust me...that was the last time HE ever got the chance to try that again!  But again, that was 10+ years ago.

  2. There are a lot of anecdotes about McDonald's food with nasty stuff in it -- spit, mucus, rat meat or rat droppings, whatever.

    These are one in a million events.

    The real problem with McD's is that the food is SO high in fat content.

  3. There is no real evidence, the health freaks and McDonald's haters can't prove anything....

    taste fine to me, i love it and i could care less whats in it, never made me sick or anything.

  4. There have been a lot of stories of Mcdonalds using worms, kangeroo meat and other things in their hamburgers. Those are just stupid stories. They are government regulated and checked just like every business. They can not list 100% ground beef if it isn't true. They would be shut down. (P.S. worms cost more per pound than ground beef)

  5. I don't really agree that McDonalds have nasty things in their meat but to me they are the most unhealthy fast food even know they are good.

  6. No. They are squeaky clean!  Go somewhere else to make trouble! Have fun!

  7. i second that! walk in and see who makes it! :)

  8. They don't use 'nasty things'. Their advertisements claim their meat is 100% beef.

  9. Just walk into mcdonalds and watch who makes your food..that explains it all..

  10. Well they leave there meat inside the warming jars for really long 2-4 hours which is not fresh and healthy.


  11. they have that nasty oil and last i tried my hamburger it had a thick short bone in it!

  12. Hire a friend to dress up as a McDonald's employee and film him spit on the burgers before delivering it and you got ur lawsuit. lol

  13. All Americans that sell cows at a livestock auction barn had to sign a paper stating that we do NOT EVER feed our cows any part of another cow.


    South Americans are not required to do this as of yet.


    McDonald's has announced that they are going to start importing much of their beef from South America . The problem is that South Americans aren't under the same regulations as American beef producers, and the regulations they have are loosely controlled.


    They can spray numerous pesticides on their pastures that have been banned here at home because of residues found in the beef. They can also use various hormones and growth regulators that we can't.


    The American public needs to be aware of this problem and that they may be putting themselves at risk from now on by eating at good old McDonald's. American ranchers raise the highest quality beef in the world and this is what Americans deserve to eat, not beef from countries where quality is loosely controlled. Therefore, I am proposing a boycott of McDonald's until they see the light.

  14. mcdonals is bad for your health because of the fat..........because of the at and the ingredients but they let nothing nasty into their meats........

  15. Just watch Supersize me

  16. i'm not sure about proof, but tast a hamburgur from a butcher and then from mcy d's

    i'm sure you'll figure it out for youself..

  17. I remember distinctly that MickeyD's had maggots in the beef

  18. Have you seen the movie "Supersize me" ?.. That should be proof enough for anyone.

  19. Just don't eat it! Even if it is FDA approved and all that, It still has added fats. At any McDonalds you go to, the have a nutrition facts list in there. ighhhhhh

    anyways good luck, stay healthy and god bless:]

  20. All food products are allowed to have so much percentage of germs, insect parts, etc in them by the FDA.  McDonalds is not the only one. It is everywhere and people are not dropping like flies (excuse the pun).

  21. why do you need to know?

  22. You're approaching this all wrong. You should be able to argue both sides equally before you decide what is right.

  23. FDA won't tell you that (too many interests involved). Nevertheless if you need proof just whatch "supersize me" ( ). That will give you what you need.

  24. Oh gosh reading the other comments make me feel bad about eating a Big Mac that I had about an hour ago!

  25. Your stupid.

  26. Good luck.  All their burgers are 100% beef, USDA approved.

  27. i used to work for a restaurant that shall remain nameless. things happened to food that i wouldn't feed a rat! well a few rats did eat some

  28. You won't find it.  Their meat is 100% usda beef, chicken, and pork.  McDonald's has the highest standards in the industry for their food and sanitation.

  29. Ridiculous assertions and lies. McDonalds is and has the highest quality standards in the industry. Unfortunately, most of their food is extremely fattening. You should use good judgement before you get anything from a fast food restuarant especially when it comes down to caloric intake. Subway is a good alternative. Fresh vegetables are good for you and low in calories. Jared has got it right believe it or not...

  30. The other day when I went to mcdonalds the guy at the window had ringworm.

    Advance stage ringworm, to the point where the circle was raised 1/4 inch off his neck with a mark in the middle.

    He scratched it, then gave me mymoney.

    I left my money there.

    You should watch "SuperSize Me" and see where the sources are.  THere is also a book, whose name I can't remember, that should have sources listed as well.

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