
I need really quick help, anything will mean something for my art project!

by  |  earlier

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I'm doing this art thing, and I wanted to show a mural of three situations , there is a war, an african family mourning over a dead boy ( I don't know if that's racially correct?) and I wanted to show a very old person , looking out the window, but in that situation, I didn't want them to be mourning over death ebcause I used that in the other two... I was thinking to show poverty or something along those lines? I know this whole thing sounds really depressing, but it's just to show things that are wrong with the world, PLEASEEe any help about the last situation would be awesome : ) Thanks guys,




  1. You are expressing your emotions about events that are happening in the world. I would suggest that you plan this out very well; make sketches of things that you want and research faces on the internet. Google images and check out Yahoo's photos. Get some large paper so that you can work on the composition. Some people spread things out on the floor or tape it to a wall. Then work out whether you want colors or just black and white. Remember Pablo Picasso  made a painting about war that expressed his feeling as well.

  2. You could including food, clothing, shelter and not so safe drinking water. You could also include the deprivation of opportunities to learn....  or a skinny frail old man....

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