
I need reasons WHY and WHY NOT the driving age should be raised?

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I need reasons WHY and WHY NOT the driving age should be raised?




  1. Why Not: 16 is fine most arent going to get there license til 17/18 nowadays......if it was raised many parents would have to drive their kids around even more. College students are as young as 17 maybe 16 they need cars. Just as many accidents will happen upping the age by a year or two wont change much. Iono. I don't feel like explaining at the moment heca lazy hahah ill bbl to edit.

  2. I think at 16 you should be allowed to have a permit and only allowed to drive with adults who are 15 years older than you are. Those stats are staggering. Who would complain about driving around their child? Wouldn't it be better than loosing them?

    I also feel that in conjunction with a written and driving test, the new driver must have a log of sorts proving that he/she has driven at least 100hrs supervised by an adult. This would have to be on the honor system of course, but it would allow young drivers to gain much more experience and learn the dangers of distraction while being supervised by an adult.

    At 16, you know it all, and the only thing that can change your opinion is experience. We put these minors on a 20 min. drive test, and give them a license to kill. It is insane if you ask me. Especially now, most teen boys think they have better skills than their parents because they are awesome at "need for speed" or some other video game.  

    I say make the permit avail. at 16 and no chance of getting a license until 17. This way they will achieve at a minimum a few months of driving before they are unleashed into the city with a car load of other minors.

    And before your 21, require the minimum 100 hours logged behind a wheel in order to take the test...

  3. Weed should be legalized.

  4. It should be raised..........................

    Motor vehicle crashes are the leading cause of death among 15- to 20-year olds.

    According to the U.S. Department of Transportation, 3,490 drivers in this age group died in motor vehicle crashes in 2006 and an additional 272,000 were injured.

    Drivers age 15- to 20-years old accounted for 12.9 percent of all the drivers involved in fatal crashes and 16 percent of all the drivers involved in police-reported crashes.

    Twenty-five percent of teen drivers killed were intoxicated. In 2002 (latest data available) the estimated economic cost of police-reported crashes involving drivers between the ages of 15 and 20 was $40.8 billion, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA, ).

    Among licensed drivers, young people between the ages of 15 and 20 have the highest rate of fatal crashes relative to other age groups, including the elderly.

    In fact, the risk of being involved in a fatal crash for teens is three times greater than for drivers age 65 to 69.

    Immaturity and lack of driving experience are the two main factors leading to the high crash rate among teens.

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