
I need reasurrance PLEASE ANSWER?

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I start school on Thursday, and I'm really dreading going back. So if you could reassure me that would be awesome. Also if you can could you give me some tips on how to conquer the first day?





  1. BE CONFIDENT! no matter what anyone looks like, they'll all be shitting it too, just trying to look like they're not.

    hold your head up, wear something you feel good in and smile!!

    try and talk to as many people as possible, and no matter what you feel like inside, put on an air of 'give a ****? nah, I'm the greatest!!' good luck x

  2. Ok first off don't keep fretting! that will make it worse. Maybe Analise why you don't want to go back, and see if there's a reason. You could have some fun going and choosing new books, pens , bag etc. And just think that schools not forever, it's just there to help you get where you want to go. other people aren't the be all and end all.

  3. I think you need to list the problems and fears which you expect to have to deal with - be more specific - so that people know what to suggest

  4. Just hang around with your friends and the day will just fly by for you! Also they dont do much work on the first day anyway.

  5. You don't say specifically why you dread going back.  I'm curious.  However, what I do when I'm nervous about going somewhere new is do things to boost my confidence.  I dress nice, do my hair and nails, smell good, and smile at everybody I see.  That way, I feel good about myself, and feel like I can conquer whatever I face.  

  6. i start school tomorrow. so there is one reason. um another would be that you already have friends, right? so it's not like you are going to a new school an have to eat by yourself. just hang with friends, focus on school.. and instead of dreading it, ou'll be lovin it. until the first test, right?

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