
I need resources to help my staff deal with difficult children ages 5 and under. Can anyone help?

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I need resources to help my staff deal with difficult children ages 5 and under. Can anyone help?




  1. I went on a training course called SchoolSAFE which was REALLY useful.

    As for resources: We have a book that is for managers of early years settings which has templates and things in it-try lookin at amazon for things like that!

    Speak to your local SENCO advisory teacher and they shouldhave some documents or resources you can use.

    Resources I use:

    -Visual Ruleboard: 4 main rules-each has a picture of what child should do (eg: walk) and one they shouldn't (run) with a cross through it...children know if they break one of hte rules there is a consequence.

    -Rest area: If child is being too difficult we talk them with an adult to sit in quiet area and do something gentle until they are calm enough to go play.

    -Chair with arms-this is great for getting difficult children to stay seated at the table.

    -We have behavioural support plans that the parents read and sign that outlines what our management stratgery is (eg: Removal from room, time out, etc)

    -PECs/Symbol system so when child is not listening or too loud they see the picture to reinforce the message.

    Sorry if I havent been specific but hard to really get indepth with you because I'm not sure of what exactly the issues are (eg:whether chidlren have other issues. background, setting size etc)


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