
I need school help...(not a normal type of question)?

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I need ideas of how to get kicked out of my school. Im not a bad kid, and i get good grades but i just dont want to go to my school anymore. I go to this school that is not in my school district, meaning that my address where i live does not go to that school. I was using my sisters address because she lived down the street from the school. But shes in the process of moving and right now i dont have an address to go to the school. I wanted to find a way to let my guidance counsler know that i dont have an address for the school w/o exactly going to him and telling him. Once i get out of this school im not dropping out, (if thats what you thought) im going to be homeschooled. In conlucsion i just need advise on how to descretly let my school know that i dont live where they think i do. Thank you for your help.




  1. You don't need to get booted out of school in order to homeschool.

    Just get your mum to withdraw you and register you as a homeschooler instead. Problem solved.

  2. You don't need to get kicked out of school to homeschool. You can simply homeschool.

    I don't see why you have to be discrete about it. You tell them your address is changing and that's it.

  3. Your parents can tell your principal that they're going to home school you and take you out. Otherwise, to get expelled from a school , you have to be really bad, which I don't think you should do because it'll go on your record.

  4. Have your parents sign you out of school. Write a letter of intent to the super intendent of your disrect, or state and tada instant homeschooler. It's none of their business by law you have a righ tto be homeschooled and if it gets worst tell them your moving. Period! what are they going to do check? well let them you dont live there right?

    Find out the homeschooling laws in your state by visiting

  5. You don't want to get kicked it, it will show on your record as a blemish.  Withdraw to do homeschool or stay the semester to tell them you are moving and give you new address and transfer to the closer school.

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