
I need serious help, 10 points to best answer!?

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Okay, I have a crush on this guy. I told my friends I did last night at one of our sleepovers. Everyone was fine about it but one of them. She said "I'll ask him if he likes anybody and I'll get him to date you." I said no and she just ignored me. I am really afraid of what will happen come this Monday at school. I can't even have a boyfriend and I don't want to hurt his feelings. What should I do? Call her and make her promise not to?

(btw, I'm in 7th grade)




  1. haha aw your so cute! okay well, first of all, if she does something like that then she is so not your friend. you have to talk to her and tell her to please not tell him or anything. If you like this guy, then start talking to him and be his friend! start off from there and things should get better! ask him to study at the library or something! be his friend first though!

    I know, i wasn't allowed to have boyfriends in seventh grade, not until eight grade but i did date in seventh grade which was really stupid anyways. wait till your in eight grade! trust me, it's so worth it! but for now, just have guy friends and get to know guys a lot better but don't be a s**t! nobody likes S****y mc s***s!

  2. Okay, before I begin, 90% of your worries don't happen. Try not to sweat it, I'm sure it will turn out fine in the end. She was probably having a bit of harmless fun and didn't realise it would stress you out.

    You need to ring your friend up today, or get to school early Monday morning and talk it through with her (making sure that she wasn't just joking or being silly, or having a bit of "fun"). Don't get angry or annoyed at her, just be cool and calm and relaxed.

    If she goes ahead and tries to hook you two up after you talked to her, or you didn't get to talk to her, you need to gather together (your friend, the guy you like and, of course, yourself) and sort this whole shemozzle out.

    Remember, nobody here can help you confront your feelings but you. We can give you tips and advice, but we can't make you choose to do something. Have the courage to talk to your friend. She IS meant to be someone you can talk to, after all.

    I sincerely wish you luck. :)

  3. Call your friend talk to her.... be honest and tell her you really don't want to go out with nobody right and if she already asked him just tell him you just want to stay friends and you want to enjoy being single right now.

  4. you need to be a big girl and go up to this guy and let him know exactly whats going on an open begining makes the start of a great friendship,dont let anyone do anything of this sort for you

  5. She's probably trying to help, but make it clear to her that you don't want it and that what you do want is for you and him to build more on the friendship before you tell him that you like him.

    she should understand.

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