
I need serious help with a dog breed?

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i have some pictures of my dog


she's a 15 week old mutt. and im DYING to know what she is

everyone say's she'sa german shepherd border collie mix...

but i dont know.

i need your help!

how big do you think she'll get?

that;s the important question

her future size....




  1. omg shes adorable and she does look like a germand shepard mix. shes 15 weeks and ig shes going to get a lot bigger

  2. Size isn't really that big of an issue, unless it's just a personal preference, and if it is what's going to happen to Lucy if she gets to big ???????

    Training and care of your dog is the important part.  Training involves consistent work and patience.  Owning any dog requires quite a bit of care and $$$$

    There is, I believe, a blood or DNA test that can be done to determine the exact mix.  Most veterinarians can make a fairly accurate guess.

    Has Lucy been to a vet yet?  If not, get her in right away - - it's part of owning a dog.

  3. GSD and collie for sure

  4. Cute Dog.

    Judging by the percentage of shepherd she appears to be I would guess around 60 to 70 lbs

    If you have some $$$ to throw around and really want to know for sure try :

  5. she is cute my dog is a pomeranian named lucy but i thinks thats a doberman retriever mix with something but idk what but i dont know for sure so check with a vet

  6. I don't see the border collie at all.  She is definitely German Shepherd...I think the other part is lab or rot.

    I had a German Shepherd Chow mix and he was right around 60 pounds.  He would drop to about 55 in the summer due to the extra running.  Your pup will probably be 60-70 pounds.

    Whatever he is...he is beautiful!  I love the face - great expression.

  7. I could be WAY off here, but I'm gonna say long haired dachsund X lab mix.. lol

    I had a dachsund/lab that looked EXACTLY like that

    if so, she'll get to be between 20-40lbs...

    but like I said, I'm probably waaaay off.. I can't really tell how tall she is in those pics, but her paws look too small to me for her to be a very large dog

  8. my husbands mother use to raise german shepards this looks like a german shepard maybe even a pur.. breed but shes going to be a big dog about 75 to maybe over 100 ibs.. but shes very pretty dog get her vet checked and watch for hip problums thats very known in german shepards good luck.....

  9. awww! how adorable!♥♥♥

  10. this dog will get pretty big . im pretty sure that its a german shepard or some type of big dog, ask ur vet . he/she would know..........

  11. Wow looks exactly like our dog who is a Rotti, border collie mix.  Very cute dog,  she'll be super smart with a lot of energy.

  12. she is adorable.... and looks a lot like a golden retriever/malamute mix i used to have,

    she will be a good size- at least 60lb

  13. I agree with what they say, she diffinately has german shepard in her, so she's going to get fairly big..diffinately an outdoor dog. I'm 5'1 and my aunt has a full grown german sheppard and she goes up to my waist

  14. I definitely see the German Shepherd, but I'm not too sure about the border collie. You'll probably have a bigger dog, maybe 60-80 pounds. It'll be a little easier to tell the breeds she's made of when she's older.  

  15. that looks about right to me .you can tell by the fluff on her ears that she has border collie . and german shepherd by her stance . shell problly be about the size of a border collie .  

  16. The spots over the eyes make me think of either a Rottweiler or a Bernese mountain dog, so it could get big since both of those are huge breeds. She is adorable though!

  17. Shepherd/Rottweiler mix?  I would guess she will be large, over 60 pounds, since she already appears to be quite a bit bigger than the small dog in one of the photos.  

  18. From the third picture, she looks like she has a bit lab in her too. The snout and overall head structure.

  19. Rott/ golden mix, she is going to be pretty large.

  20. The colors look like a rottweiler and slightly a german shepherd. Her body looks like a german shepherd/lab mix. Very cute! Expect her to be atleast 50 lbs. full grown.

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