
I need serious help with my guilt =[

by  |  earlier

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I was on the computer aaages ago and I looked at something...I can't bring myself to type it. Innapropriate. Anyway, I have been feeling such Extreme guilt i just don't know what to do. I told my mum dad, and they were understanding, but it hasn't helped me. I just can't forget it, I feel like I have ruined my childhood and my whole life ahead of me. Im putting a brave face on it all but im just dying inside and im not suicidal or anything like that , but I just feel like...I need a hug, and for someone to tell me it's going to be okay...I don't know what to do!! can anyone help me with this? I know I need to do something, but I just don't know how to help myself out of this extreme guilt...I just feel like I have let myself down and that im dirty and strange and that no one will ever like me again...And i just wish I could turn back the clocks and undo it, but i know I can't but im still having these thoughts and it makes me want to cry, but I can't...........='[




  1. Ask God to help you with this problem. None can turn time back, but Jesus can forgive us and "make us new" inside. Only God can forgive and change us(it comes from being born again). Asking Jesus to forgive our sins and turning away from sin is the closest thing to turning back time that we can possibly do.

  2. Everyone is curious about things and that's normal! It's okay don't worry about it :].

  3. I don't know what you were looking at, but, the only thing that should make you feel that bad is if you watched a murder and you didn't report it!

    Don't be so hard on yourself, you are not a bad person, everyone is curious about thing they do not know or understand!

  4. Without knowing what it is you looked at on the computer, I can only say that your childhood is the time for making mistakes. You're a new person on this planet. You weren't born into the world knowing how to behave. Life is a learning experience and you just learned something valuable. I bet you'll never make that mistake again! Sometimes you succeed, sometimes you fail, and sometimes you make an utter fool of yourself. This is one of your more foolish moments. You can't let one 'not so appropriate' act determine your life's course. Trust me, almost every person has one of these embarrassing and shameful secrets in his past.

    The fact that you feel guilt so strongly means that you have a very well-developed conscience. That's a good sign. You're not an evil person, okay?  

  5. Try to admit that you made the mistake of looking at something on the computer.  Tell yourself you will never do this again.

    If this is getting in the way of your daily living, see a therapist to help you work through the trauma.  Please take care of yourself.  

  6. was it the, 2 girls 1 cup. if it was, your not alone! :]

  7. We all make mistakes.  Dou't be to hard on yourself.  You r Mom & Daf forgave you , now forgive yourself.

    Learn from your experience and accept that you arent perfect.

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