
I need serious tips about how to get over a boy help !!

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hey i need tips about getting over a guy i no its not true love but it feels lyk it and i reli need to concentrate on my school work but i can get over him so any tips would be great thanx




  1. Keep busy.      

    Have other friends.

  2. Everyone gets over things completely different so what may work for some may not work for you. Start by doing things that you enjoy, that take your mind of from him. For me, I like exercising... a good run always helps take my mind off things. Perhaps spend sometime pampering you self and go get a change in hairstyle.

    I wouldn't really recommend listening music all that much since every song might seem to bring up feelings and emotions.

  3. hey..ive been in the same postition so this advice is from experience

    think of all his bad points

    think of all the bad memories youve had with him

    try something new like join a youth club or something similar

    spend more time with your friends they'll help u at a time like this

    and finally

    its not ur loss its his and u'll find someone 10 times betta than him x*x

  4. Concentrate on how to improve yourself. Go out and meet new people. Take on a craft project. Join a group of some sort. Spend time with your family. Volunteer somewhere. Do extracurricular activities when school starts again. He is not a valuable asset to your personality. You can go on without him. Redirect your thoughts back to yourself and you will feel better. Good luck!

  5. Keep yourself busy !  A better one will come along, I promise :)

  6. Go out and meet new people.


  7. Keep busy and time will help.  Your young, consider this practice and experience, you have so much more to learn sweetie.  Just hang out with your girl friends, they will always be there for you!

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