
I need sleeping help?

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i have a really hard time falling asleep any one got any tips on how to fall asleep quickley without medicein




  1. i read a book until i fall asleep and drink warm milk with honey in it!

    that always makes me sleepy!

    good luck :]

  2. sleep in your routine at night then it will become your habit.

    go to bed and think about anythink deeply.

    or read any religion books you will feel speepy because evil is there.

  3. Reading does it for me. I hope it helps I had a stretch of about 2 years where I had real trouble sleeping and that was the only thing that would put me out.

  4. try drinking milk before going to bed n maybe watch a lil tv turn off lights then go to sleep like at 9:00 or 10:00

    or count sheep/number

    --good lucks to you-- ^_^

  5. i used to have big problems falling asleep to.  It would take me seriously like 2-3 hours to fall asleep and id just lay there. My friend had then told me what really helped them was to turn music on quitely.

    it seemed to have really helped me.

  6. Listen to slow, relaxing music. Keep it on all night.

    Invest in a sound machine, like that makes rainforest sounds, waterfall, and ocean sounds.

    Read a book.

    Watch some boring TV, lol.

    Drink warm milk.

    Hope that helped! :D

  7. I try all kinds of things, because im the same way. Try taking a hot shower right before you lay down. Instead of watching TV, read a book. That always makes me sleepy. Try thinking about a favorite memory or dream, and close your eyes.

    Hope this helps!

  8. Sometimes you really don't want to fall to sleep. Pretty hard without meds.... otherwise find out your problem.

  9. Natural remedies include warm milk, melatonin, valerian, 5-HTP and others that you can find in a web search for "natural sleep remedies".

  10. -some warm milk with a teaspoon of cinnamon powder.

    -banana chips make a good bedtime snack if you get the munchies.

    -have something on like a radio. not too loud but just enough so it dosent seem too quiet.

    -also i fiind whenever i have a fan on i always find myself dozing off.

    even in the daytime.
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