
I need soccer help! :)

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hey everybody! i am going into 8th grade and i am playing varsity soccer. i really want to be a starter! i play left back and the coach wants to put me in offense too. there is another girl who wants to play my position.

some questions i have are:

what are some ways i can improve myballhandling

how much should i practice each day

how far should i run each day


how to improve my right foot

anymore advice that you have





  1. ways to improve ball handling: dribble the ball around a soccer field twice try to keep the ball under control and not to kick the ball too far do toe-touches for two minutes. do side-to-sides for two minutes and juggle for five minutes.

    how much you should practice: try aiming for two to three hours every day (not including weekends) if you cant do that try 1 to 2 hours a day. also, try to get three other people to train with you. (friends, family, and friends on your team)

    How much you should run each day: try to run a mile (two laps in the beginning and two laps at the end) if not, try running two laps and move your way up.

    Tips: pass a lot. if you playing as offense, you'll need to be able to pass a lot and confuse the defenders. Also, you'll need to cross the ball.

    ~crossing the ball training~ get three people, one in the middle, one on the left and one on the right. (alternate frequently) stand atleast 10' from the goal and each person atleat 5' from each other and get the middle person to kick the ball to the person on the right( the middle person doesnt run) and when the person on the right starts running the person on the left runs with him keeping his distance. about 5' from the goal the person on the right crosses the ball and the person on the left shoots. keep doing this until you get better.

    Improving your right foot: i dont think you should necessarily focus on one foot because the time will come where you will need to use your weak foot. to improve, try running from about 10' away and when you get five feet away from the goal, shoot the ball (make sure you shoot on the run)


  2. To improve your ballhandling: Juggle practice, try to reach a hundred per time.

    You should do some distance-run, back and forth, do it about 30 min. to 1 hour each day.

    For running practice, you need patient and enough nutriment, better be that run 3 to 5 miles a day.

    All you need for improve your right foot is more and more of shootings, and strech your leg once awhile during the time of practice.


  3. Practice can improve every single aspect in the game of soccer. Juggling is a great way to practice your ball handling. Just touching the ball a couple of times can improve your touch so much! This can also be done with your right foot to help improve it.

    If you are really serious about training every single day, then two-a-days can help. Like running ,or any cardio, for a good 45 minutes (or if you want to start at 20 min.) Then some ball handling like speed dribbling and juggling.

    Lifting weights is good but remember that cardio and weight lifting in one day is bad for your muscles because it causes strain. Weights should only take 45 minutes or less.

    ~ drink water even when you are not working out.

       don't over work your self but be sure to push yourself out of your limit.

       TAKE BREAKS ON SUNDAY!!! or once a week

    oh and stretch and warm up before a work out to get core body temp up.

    i hope that this has helped!

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