
I need some Acne Tips...

by Guest32993  |  earlier

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Okay I don't have horrible acne, (I'm 14) but I get the odd zit on my forehead on my cheeks or on my nose, as well as blackheads on my nose...I'm trying different things out but I"m not to sure whats best...I've very recently started to drink a lot of water I know I should be eating more fruits and vegetables. Now what are some good ideas to help me prevent more? Please help me :)




  1. Drink lots of water, eat your fruits and veggies, and wash your face twice a day with warm water and a face cloth.

    Zinc is a good thing to have in your diet as well as fruits and vegetables. Oysters apparently contain the most zinc of all foods. So does red meat, poultry, eggs, beans and whole grain.

    I've also been looking for home remedies for a smoother face. My friend (as well as reader's digest) suggest using egg whites as a mask. Apply on face, leave on for 10 minutes, and use a warm, wet face cloth to gently wash away. It's good for oily skin, and it tightens making skin smoother!

    For the occasional pimple, try toothpaste. I've done it before, and it helps. Apply white, non-gel toothpaste on the spot, and leave it on overnight. It can prevent swelling and dries up the oils.

    I also found a great site with a ton of cheap but effective home remedies you might like:

  2. the only thing i suggest is dont touch your face!

    theres millions of bacteria on your hands and when you touch your face, even barely, they get on your face and cause pimples.

  3. i hadbad acne when i was a teenager. the treatment that worked for me is this: wash your face with real warm water twice daily. do not use soap on it. then rub alcohol 4 0r 5 times daily over your face. this dries up the zits completely in 5 days. keep doing this--when you star getting more. you will keep the acne away, and your face will be free and clear of zits and scars. remember;, no soap, hot rag on face, and rubbing alcohol. it works great!

  4. any vitamin a cream

    put it on at the first site of a pimple  

  5. well if your hair is always in your face that does not help !! if it is try and stop that and if you cant make sure your hair is never dirty !! stick to somthing natural like Aveno scrub its the best !! wash your face every night and morning (not so harsh in the morning ) with hot water then rinse with hot then agian with really cold water !! if your face is too dry get a LIGHT face lotion put a few drops on your hand rub them together then add alittle cold water rub good onto your face then rinse off with cold water to keep your face from geting too dry and too keep it from geting too oily !! if your face is too oily skip the lotion ! and yes dont touch your face !! your hands are dirty !!!  

  6. eat alot of veggies, and try not too stress much(though its hard)

    also, i use acne free, and it helps alot. also there is Clearasil Acne Treatment Cream, Vanishing - 1oz works mericals for me,

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