
I need some SERIOUS help!!!!!!?

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okay i asked this a little while ago but no one answered so i thought i might give it another shot!

okay this is the thing, i go to a private school, technically its more like homeschooling because its not run by the state. anyways, i might be switching to public school next year and i need to know, will my credits be counted?! im going to be a junior next year. if they dont, how do i get all of my credits back for the two years i went to highschool at my private school?! i know im gonna have to take tests but about how many?! im confused!!!




  1. I believe that if you are in a private school (not home school) they should just transfer. A Home school student is tested for placement when they enter high school. For elective credits you may need to talk to a councilor at the school. Call and set up a meeting with them before school starts next year and find out.

    Also in La

  2. There is no State Law saying that you will lose your credits, but I have known credits to get lost. I would recommend talking to your school consular and the school consular that you might be going to so you can clear up any minor details. There is a big rivalry between public and private/home schools so you might meet some Resistance going back to a public School. When I went from public to private I was Shun-ed from the public schools as if I had some incurable disease. If you really have doubts stay in the school your in because private/home schools have better education levels than public schools.

  3. it really depends on your state, in NC you generally lose alot going back to public school, most people I know just stayed with the homeschool thing it was too much hassle to switch back.

  4. yeah i live in louisiana too!!!! they usally count them, if they dont count all of them, they count most of them!! ur probably just gonna hae to take the iLeap scince LEAP is only for grades 4 and 8.

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