
I need some advice, please?

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I just got engaged. We are going to be married next March. My fiancee' and I love each other very much. We have known each other for three years. My fiancee's aunt and her friends are putting our wedding together for us. I am very grateful and deeply appreciate them doing this because my parents are both deceased, and I know trying to put a wedding together on my own would be very difficult and stressful. I feel a little overwhelmed and scared, because I wish my own mother could be here to help me and she isn't. I am very happy and excited to be engaged and getting married, but I am a little anxious and nervous. Is it normal to feel this way before you get married?




  1. if you are anxious and nervous in August for a March wedding, remind me not to be anywhere around you in February!!!!/

  2. It's totally normal. Especially in your case, with your parents both gone, I can only imagine what the flood of emotions you're experiencing right now.

    All brides get nervous at one point or another, and I think what you're going through will pass. Just take it one day at a time, and focus on the fact that you're marrying the man you love and want to spend the rest of your life with. Everything else is just icing on the cake.

  3. What you're feeling is totally normal. It is a roller-coaster of emotions. Best wishes to both of you.

  4. Absolutely1  Its a whole boat of emotions because of what has happened and whats to come.  Just enjoy the ups and take the downs one step at a time.  Like you said, you love him and he loves you.  there is nothing to worry about!  

  5. I felt the same way.  My mom was unable to help me plan my wedding, she is in a nursing home.  I felt her presence missing but my MIL and lots of friends helped us pull off the wedding very beautifully.  I did honor my mom, I carried a rose down the aisle and stopped where she would sit at normally, and placed it on her seat.  Then after the services were over with my dad took the flower too her.  Even though she had no clue what took place because of alzehiemers, she was able to enjoy part of my wedding regardless.

  6. In a previous post I was just complaining about my mother (she and I have very different views on how my wedding will be planned). I feel so selfish for complaining about her because I wasn't even thinking about the fact that some people cannot have their parents present at their wedding.  (but trust me, she argues every last point for absolutely no reason lol. I'm almost 30 years old, my fiance and I are paying the wedding ourselves so no I won't dance if I hate dancing and will not invite an uncle's ex-wife I haven't seen in 25 years....).

    That being said, I believe the feelings you describe are perfectly normal. It also seems nice that your fiance's aunt are helping out. You could definitely pay tribute to your mom and dad in whichever way you like best. (roses on their seats like another person described seems nice). My fiance's father passed away in 2006 from brain cancer. We plan to put his picture (along with my 2 grandmother's) on a small table with some flowers and a candle.

    Congrats and I'm sure somehow somewhere your mom & dad are happy for you.

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