
I need some advice.. Its about My 9 month old breastfed daughter.. ?

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So my 9 month old has come a long way from 6 months to now when it comes to eating solids. I did the BLW approach and she now eats anything and everything just like you and I do. Big pieces and ANYTHING that is edible! lol But my question that i was going to ask is, is it normal for her to not be interested in liquids and drinking? She only likes my breast milk, and every now and then I can get her to have a sip of water, but no juice, usually no water and I cant pump (Im one of those women who can't pump an ounce but I can nurse succesfully and exclusevily) I was just wanting to hear from other moms who breastfeed if this was normal and see if anybody has experienced this. And is it a phase? Thanks so much




  1. My daughter wouldn't take water either and I figured out she didn't like to sip out of a cup or a  bottle, and she was born right before a long hot summer when she could have used a little water.  I got her to drink out of a straw, but it took time to make her understand. She would get the water about halfway up the straw and give up. I finally told her to suck on it like it was a breast, she got one big drink then and from then on she knew how to drink from a straw.  I also told her that was how big girls drank water, and she wanted to be like big girls.

  2. yes its a phase ...she will drink normaly once she is weaned hurry

  3. i experienced this with my daughter... she'd take water and my milk... no juice.. i had no problems with this though since she loved fresh fruits... she got more interested in juice once i weaned her from breast at 15 months. even now that she's 2 yo, i only give her home made juice....  

  4. It was normal for me.  I would offer other beverages with her meal, but if she didn't seem interested, I didn't push the issue.  It wasn't until after she turned 1 that she really started getting interested in taking other fluids in a cup.

    As long as she's getting plenty of breastmilk still, no worries, right?

  5. I wouldn't worry unless she is constipated. In which case I would push food like watermelon that are mostly water. I think juice is really bad for toddlers anyway--the leading cause of poor toddler nutrition, since it is mostly sugary water and kids who fill up at the sippy are more picky at the table. If you want your kid to have vitamins from fruit, give her fruit, which has fiber she needs.  

  6.    What I'm worried about is her getting too much food too soon.  at nine months she is developing her eating habits that she will keep from now on into her older years.  Yes, breastfeeding is best and you should be proud of that.  remember supply and demand?!   word of caution,,,   do not over feed her.  do not let her eat anything and everything.  it will probably cause poor eating habits in the long run and we all know what happens when we eat anytihng and everything.  

  7. my baby wont drink juice either, they get all the fluids they need from breast milk!  I;m sure that she will like water and juice more once she is weened!

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