
I need some advice about my dads room partner?

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this is a very long story that i am going to try to make short:

my parents are divorced and my best friend lives next door at my moms house. My friends dad, jeff, was a lawyer that made good money, but one day he just couldn't take it anymore. he just snapped!!! without even telling anyone, he took his car and drove across state, slept in his car and went crazy. My best friend was miserable.

After about 2 months, he came back but still wasn't right. He refused to go see a doctor and won't do anything to help himself. His wife was trying to help but he didn't accept it. so he drove away again. My dad felt bad for him and since my dad and him were best friends, my dad offered him a home at his house. to sleep on the couch. (as i mentioned my parents are divorced so i go to my dads house week on and week off) I was mad at my dad because i can't even type how much wrong, horrible things he did to his family and his kids. (one being my best friend)

a few days later, Jeff and his wife had to go to court and the court stated that he was not safe for his kids to be around. i felt so bad for my friend because how would you like it if you weren't allowed to see your dad.

After a long long time, he was allowed to see his kids again.

not to mention even though he got fired from his job, but still has lots and lots of money, and he went to therapy, he is still sleeping and living in my house.

I want him to leave out house and move to another country i hate him so much. he was so cruel to my best friend that i can never forgive him. he used stuff in our house without asking, he is so disrespectful of my stuff, and when i asked my dad if he could make jeff leave he said that because it is his house, he makes the rules.

i want jeff out of my house really bad..

i am begging for some advice here. please help!




  1. I think that if Jeff  wasn't your friends father. your opinion of him would be totally different. Your dad is right, he makes the rules and if he thinks Jeff should stay there, then there's nothing you can do. sorry.Why don't you go live with your friend. Just petend ya'll traded family members for a lil while.  

  2. Dad's house, dad's rules. All you can do is talk to your dad and let him know how you feel. He gets to decide.

  3. To be honest, your dad is right, it's his house and his rules, i know you're trying to protect your friend and that's a wonderful thing, but if your friend can forgive him then you should too, it's obvious he has some problem but he is in therapy now. He doesn't need the people in his life hating him and wanting him to leave he needs them to support him especially now. He's in therapy for a reason, he realized he needs help and he decided to get it, there's no need to hate him for it. I think you should just accept him and try to forgive, but that does not mean you have to forget. Good luck!

  4. Unfortunately there isn't anything you can do besides moving out yourself, which may not be an option. What he did to your friend is between those two not you.  Your dad is trying to help out a friend.  If your dad felt your life was in danger I'm sure other arrangements would be made but obviously Jeff doesn't have a problem with you.  For the interim put a lock on your door or at least a hook on the inside so your privacy is intact.  If I was the parent I wouldn't have a disturbed individual in my home while my children were still living there but hey that's me!  Your dad has the right to do whatever his heart desires as long as your safety is not in jeopardy, if it is then you need to talk to family services or similar agency.

  5. Your dad is doing what he thinks is best for his friend and sometimes people need a friend to stick by them when everyone else gives up or judges in a negative way without knowing all the details.

    Life can be hard sometimes especially (believe it or not) for wealthy people because money can cause more issues then what people realize so that w/ other life dilemmas can be more difficult than one might realize

    You should not waste time hating someone who has some issues, it really isn't your place to judge.  I understand he hurt your friend and some other people but as you grow through life you will want some Grace given to you for mistakes or things you may do.  I promise you that everything happens for a reason and you should hug your Dad for taking care of that person who really needed a good friend ~ he stepped up to the plate and for that you should respect him

  6. hi, My friend was talkin to me about a similar situation, but I'm not really sure. I'd like to hear everyone elses answer..

    Take a look at - Blow off some steam and Vent Your Anger

    good luck

  7. well its all up to your dad, his house his rules, just try your best to abide by them

  8. If he's been seen unfit to be around his children is he safe around you?

    That's what scares me. Is there a chance he can hurt you?  If he's safe to be around then you need to deal with the situation. Your dad is trying to help someone in need. That is something admire.

    It's the people willing to help others even if its a personal inconvenience are the people that make this world a better place.  I know it must be hard for you, but just keep that in mind.

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