My son has just turned 6 years old and was diagnosed with a hearing impairment at 4 1/2. He has been dealing with a lot in the past year & 1/2 with getting used to hearing aids, new school & his younger brother growing up (he is 3). I have been divorced from their father for the past 3 years. My son has recently been having very huge emotional temper tantrums. Most of them happen when he is with me only in public or at the doctors office. He seems to only display this type of attitude towards me and goes into rages where he will scream, kick walls, tantrum out of control, scratch me, bite me, pull my hair, etc. There has been one instant where I though the police would be called because everyone was looking at me ~ I was under the impression from the stares got they all thought I was a bad mother. Anyway, his father keeps my children half of the week and says that he never has these problems. Am I a bad mother for thinking I want to give up or not know what to do?