
I need some advice for tenth grade boy and puberty, please help,=(?

by Guest11034  |  earlier

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the story is, is that im going into tenth grade im really supposed to be in ninth so im pretty far back in puberty, i can tell im develpoing, like just over the summer i have gotten from 5,4 to like almost 5,7 but my voice shows almost no isgns of changing, i have also put on almost six punds over the summer, but im going into tenth grade and it seem as everyone else is more outgoing and more developed than me, im a more well know quiet kid that has a bunch of friends, thats practically what and who i am, but it just sucks seing how some of my friends joke around about how much younger and less developed than them, i fit in with every one, just not as far in puberty, its super not cool. also if any one is familiar with xbox live, you can have a mic and talk to people through the game, its awesome, only problem is, is that half the people are douche bags they think i lie about my age when they here me, but who cares ill never see them any way. Any way this is just a question on whether or not when puberty comes, and what are the usual "stages" so called. so id really appreciate any advice for tenth grade and puberty!! thanx ; x




  1. so what if you a baby face?

    your friends kid with you

    and just pretend to be a black guy when your on live

    and if you have a high voice, you could be come a great singer! no lie!

  2. i guess i am the same, i could be in ninth grade, but im in tenth...who cares? by senior year, everyone will be the same...dont worry about it, people understand even thoguh they make fun of you for it

  3. dude my friend sounds like a freaking girl and he has almost had s*x. he gonna in like 2 years. he's 13. hes made out with chicks.  had better girlfriends then any of his other friends including me. just go with the flow and dont be hatin'

  4. I just got out of the tenth grade, and i did alot of growing up during the school year. You just gotta be yourself, and you sound like you don't really pay too much attention to the people that make fun of you, which is really good. Just be patient, your body will mature when it thinks it's ready. Everyone else's body may just be a little faster, but trust me, when you catch up....You will be just as developed as everyone else. Just give it a little time... Good Luck

  5. Your voice will change unless you are Joe Pesci or Sanjaya from American Idol

    You posted your question on my question now here is my vengeance;...

  6. come back to up when you have pubes little buddy

  7. two more years and you will be in the real world where people could give a c**p less.

  8. Hey dude. I am a freshman in high school, and I am just starting puberty. I have had a growth spurt, now I'm 6'2 and weigh 210 pounds, but I work out and do jogs and everything. I know how it is. Don't stress bro, you can do it. Let nature take its course. God made you who you are and you should be proud of that. If your friends think that your not developed or your not normal or whatever, s***w them. You are who you are man. Let's do it. Later, hope I helped.

  9. This link might help you

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