
I need some advice (i want to get into acting)?

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i'm a very shy person, and i'm finally starting to come out of my shell. so i would like to try acting. the problem is that i've done a few plays before, and they dont interest me as much as other things.




  1. try joining an improv group ...  that can be a lot of fun!

  2. I fthey didnt like you then maybe you should train acting more or maybe plays arent your type maybe your made for acting in ads ,music videos,shows or movies just dont let it get to you that they didnt like you just move on and forget about them.

  3. If you like to sing try auditioning for a musical (: Or if you dont sing be in one anyways! They are alot of fun, and I think that the singing and dance makes the story come more alive vs. a play.

  4. If you are not interested in acting in plays, forget acting as a career.  Plays are how all actors get started, and learn their craft.  Acting is not something you try, like taking a bite of an exotic food.  Acting is something you must love and must do or you cannot hope to succeed in it. And forget reading Stanislavsky, he is old fashioned and out of date and hard to read.

  5. No this is the answer: read carefully

    Do not join anything because they teach you what THEY think its write, you really dont want to loose your perspective trust me.

    Then if you want to know the bussiness side get the book ACT NOW, but dont follow it blindly just get the information

    Then if you wanna FEEL acting in a professional level Read these two books of constantin stanislavski:


    2.Building a Character

    And DO follow these books blindly, because there is nothing false in them and the muscular tension technique is not only for the muscles ;)

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