
I need some advice on a touchy subject. What would you do?

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About 2 months ago, 4 Mexican male's moved into my apartment building below me. They are the cliche' landscapers. I have not had one problem with them and they seem nice and always say hello etc. though at least one of them speaks no english. They are employed by one of the larger landscaping companies in town.

Here's my dilemma. I just found out that there employer is the one who got the apartment and the lease is in the employers name.

Rent is $550 per month. The employer is taking $400 a piece from there paychecks every month meaning there basically paying a combined $1600 a month for the apartment. So there employer is making $1050 a month off of them after paying the rent.

Is that even legal? Should I notify my landlord? I don't want to get the 4 guy's in trouble. I don't even know if they are legals.

It just erks me to see someone getting taken advantage of especially by somebody who is already wealthy.

What would you do or should I do nothing?

I live in south county/affton area of St. Louis.




  1. It is a crime.  Contact the police department, they can direct you from there.  It is illegal and borderline slavery.  Stand up for them, the American dream is all men created equal.  Businessmen who cut corners and take advantage of the poor are the problem in the immigration situation.  Do your duty,

  2. I would suggest doing nothing. If their employer is mad at them they could lose their apartment AND job.  

  3. do you love them that's the real question here isn't it? don't touch the subject that's what they say avoid the confrontation of your feelings. open up FLY let your love ring from the rooftops like a cat on a hot tin roof. Leave the closet take a coat god bless you  

  4. Well, I would like to thank you for noticing that most illegals are not awful people. Unfortunately this happens to many illegals that are taken advantage of. I wouldn't say anything to the apartment complex but if the illegals are aware of their employer doing this and they are ok with it that is up to them. To some illegals it is the price to pay to be unnoticed. The company knows they are illegals and they give them work, knowing they could get in trouble. Anyways, those landscaping jobs pay pretty decent.

  5. Call the police.

  6. mind your own business...........

    would you want strangers looking into your personal business'..???

  7. Sad to say, but if you inform anyone, those guys will probably suffer some consequences.  Perhaps you could anonymously ask an immigration rights organization what to do.  Don't mention names or even addresses.  Present it as a "What if I know about this situation . . . . . . "

    It's a dirty rotten shame how some people take advantage of the "little guys!"  You have every right to be "irked!"

  8. I'm guessing you have 1 criminal ripping off 4 criminals.

    Report them all!

  9. report everyone!

  10. Thats sad.

    Dont do anything.

    You could risk them losing their jobs.

    Its sucks but thats what happens

    Employers everywhere take advantage of illegals because they wont go to the police.

    Assuming they are illegals

  11. it's your decision to make.  all 5 should be reported.  if they are illegal then they need to be reported and deported.  the employer should be reported for both the wrongful doing of stealing but also for hiring illegals.  it could possibly all be done anonomously, check into that also.  you could also report the employer to IRS, if they are taking that money from the employees, taxes should be paid.

  12. This is another example of clear cut exploitation which pro Illegal immigration zealots refuse too see, (that is of course IF they are Illegals}

    The pro Illegal lobby wants you to believe that they are just looking for a better life but they are being taken advantage of and its not right!

    The rich should never be allowed to do what they are doing it affects not only the Illegals but the rest of us!

    I would say report the landlord/employer he needs to be in trouble more than anyone and if they are indeed Illegals his *** is had.

  13. tell the landlord

    Ther's proably a sublease clause and he;ll be pissed he's getting ripped off

    If he throws them all out theres plenty of 1600/month apartments around

    If the boss gets pissed they can always get a etter job with a better employer

    St louie doesn't really go after 'illegals'

    (My sister lives there and has hired them )

    This points out clearly why the "immigration " thing has to be fixed.

  14. Call the cops, this guy is taking advantage of them and you know it. It would be wrong of you to not do something about it, you can remain anonymous.  

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