My housemate has a 7 yo boy who has the worst behaviour I have ever seen in a child. Everybody does notice that he behaves very well with me and shows a lot of respect towards me as he doesn't swear at me like he does his father & fathers friends and he also chucks terrible tantrums when he doesn't get his own way. This is very distressing to me as his father does not deal with it very well, his swearing is his fathers fault as he swears directly at him which I've asked him to stop & he has improved unlike his son. So when the boy throws his tantrum he screams & yells & kicks & swears & throws things and gets so angry & worked up he almost busts. A couple times I've calmed him down, by being calm myself & asking him what he wants me to do and eventually he calms down unlike when his father yells at him to shut up & stop being stupid, this does nothing but make him angrier. Recently I could not stop his tantrum, he knocked his knee which made it bleed and he screamed & screamed & hit his dad & told him to get out. I went into his room to ask if he was ok & he threw lollies at me & told me to get out, he was yelling so hard he looked like he was going to pop his eyeball out, its very distressing to see a young boy do this to himself, i just want to help him. Also I've noticed he does not deal with pain very well & freaks out if somebody hurts themselves and when you tell him to come here you want to show him something he always asks "is it gonna hurt". What is the best way to handle this I feel walking away when he throws a tantrum is not achieving anything but I know this behaviour needs to be ignored. Please keep in mind his father has him every weekend Friday after school until Sunday late afternoon where he then goes back to his mothers. He sleeps in the same bed with his father (queen bed), he is allowed to watch war movies like platoon and scary movies like blade, his toys all consist of weapons like guns & swords (plastic) & his games consist of being in the war & I wont even get into the terrible racist talk that comes out of his mouth. I have grown close to this boy & I know he trusts me, I feel so sorry for him because his father can only show his love through buying him toys all the time & not good toys he lives in front of his playstation all weekend playing war games & yes i know it just keeps getting worst. Any advise on how to deal with this & what you think I should do would be much appreciated. one last thing i forgot to mention, one night when i asked his father to just leave me with him (he was throwing a tantrum & his father tends to make the situation worst) when he calmed down out of the blue very unexpected he asked me "why do I do that, why do I get so angry, i dont want to be like that", it broke my heart but made me realise it is definitely a serious problem & i'm worried he may need professional help if it's something he cant control. Last this I want to also point out, he is also afraid of the dark & his father always leaves the light on outside the bedroom for him because if he assumes he is asleep & he turns the light out, he will scream & scream until there is light.