
I need some advice on being vegetarian!!?

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I'm a vegetarian, but nobody in my family accepts this. I really need some help! Should I stop being a vegetarian, or just ignore this??? Please Help!!!




  1. Eat MEAT.

  2. Ignore them. If they don't accept it, that's their problem. My family is very mean about me being a vegetarian, they also push meat in my face. I ignore them, and I love tofu and soy products. I also enjoy reminding them that I'm going vegan when I turn 18! Don't let them get you down, vegetarianism is a beautiful thing. And if you ever need any other advice, let me know. :)

  3. Just ignore it.  If they start saying things that aren't true to try to convince you not to be a vegetarian or anything, tell them that they don't know what they're talking about, that you DO know what you're talking about, and that they shouldn't care about/accept that you are a vegetarian because it's your personal choice and it isn't killing you (as long as you take your supplements).  If they are that ignorant that they still don't accept your vegetarianism, just tell them "Too bad; it's my personal choice and if you disagree, chove it!"  (...or something else like that.)

  4. i was a vegatarian for a year and some people just dont understand it. my grampa kept offering me ham !

  5. eh, just do you, homie

  6. Print out articles from these websites and give them to the family..if they still have a problem just ignore it!

  7. You ignore nature, so why should your family be any different?

    Humans are omnivores, a fact you cannot ignore.

  8. Yay! Being a vegetarian is one of the best choices you can make! Its better morally, health-wise and environment-wise. What exactly is your familys problem with it? If its concerns about the diet not providing enough protein- this is not true. As long as you make sure you get enough nuts, cheese, seeds, pulses, beans etc. you will be fine! Vegetarians are at a lower risk of heart disease and also of some cancers apparently. If its that seperate food has to be cooked for you, then maybe offer to help more with cooking- or introduce your family to some yummy veggie meals (and maybe have some meat they can add to it if they want).

    They will come round eventually, dont worry! and dont give up being veggie- it rocks! :)

  9. ignore them, it's your choice not theres. they can't change your mind. just don't get in their face. don't tell them they shouldn't eat meat either or whatever because trust me that can make people mad, trust me i'm talking from experience.

  10. i just became a vegetarian and my family is getting really annoyed with me about it and they dont support my decision at ALL if they start to tell you, you cant tell them how you feel when you eat meat and why it bothers you also if they serve it to you just say you wont eat it they will back off eventually. haha i also enjoy telling them im going vegan when i turn 18:) animals have feeling to eating flesh of one is gross.

    good luck and dont give up the animals will deeply appreciate it!!!!!stay veg!!!

  11. just tell your family to accept you as you are, tell them that if they love you they will accept you being a vegetarian.

    ignore the person above saying were meant to be omnivores, thats nonesense!!

  12. Ignore it. I have been a vegetarian for over a year and my family hates it. They're just being ignorant. But all I can say is make sure you get enough protein. Veggie burgers are great.

  13. i went vegetarian a few months ago and my family has been really mean about it. whenever they eat meat they are sure to wave it in my face and they tease me all the time. but i just try to ignore it because at least im mature enough to accept that meat is murder and im not selfish to eat another creature. so ignore it and please dont stop being veg! your saving animals =]

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