
I need some advice on how to talk to a quiet girl, please :D.?

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Hey there. I need some useful advice on how to talk to a extremely quiet and calm girl. In school, she's a two lockers away from me. Sadly, she doesn't say anything to me or anyone near me. Saying "Hello" or "Hi" doesn't work at all whatsoever, she just says Hey, and walks away. She didn't talk to me at all last year, and only talked to me this year to ask for a book cover. I gave it to her, but the next time she saw me, she gave it back saying she didn't need it after all. Oppurtunity lost =(. She only becomes social with her friends, and I can't think of anything to say to her without a one word answer. I need help or suggestions on what to say or do to grab her attention or talk to me, I would greatly appreciate. d**n Asian girl won't barely give a glance at me XD.

Thanks a bundle.





  1. Talk to a couple of people who know her; ask about what she likes.Then try to talk to her about the subject,if that doesnt work get her a valentine when the time comes.Quiet people are hard to figure out because you never know if they like you or not.Her parents also might have a rule saying she can only go out with other Asians.If you have tickets to go to something ask her if she wants to go,or you could just flat out ask if she wants to go out with you.

  2. That sounds like me! Haha

    Ok see, I'm the EXACT SAME. I'm social with my friends, joke around and stuff but I never really talk to anyone except my friends. Gosh I'm shy. =D Why do you need to talk to her anyways? You like her or something? Leave her alone dude. xD Maybe you're scaring her.

    ROFLMAO I'm Asian too. xD

    It's hard to imagine but I'm quiet too. Lol, I need to talk to this gal! She sounds like me!

    When I'm at school - The shy girl

    When I'm just hanging out with friends - Life of the party!!!


    Well anyways, Good Luck! =D

  3. Find out what subjects she is good at. Then tell her you need help?  

  4. ask her a question that requires more than a word to answer.

    like, if you have any classes with her, ask her to explain the answer to something.

    or pretend you need directions somewhere, then ask her for them.

  5. not all asian girls are like that1maybe she is really shy or just hasn't thought much about you.try to get attention near her by jokes and such as if you've known her from may work.good luck!

  6. maybe you should ask her about a test or homework, maybe even the old 'i lost my notes can i have yours' trick :)

    or just say hey when shes with friends so her friends start talking with you :D

    try to find out what interests her and then see if she has anything in common.

    maybe ask her a curious Q about her culture :]

  7. Tell her what you think of her and that you would like to go out with her sometime as friends. Just keep doing nice things for her. She's obviously quite  scared of socialising just one of those fears. maybe youi could change that about her. =]  

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