
I need some advice on moving to hamilton and Oshawa?

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can anyone help me with this movingg stuff

i live in toronto and the area isnt so Great me and my daughter are thinking of moving to hamilton or Oshawa is it good for her school years shes 13going to grd 8 ,does anyone live there or kno if its ok with jobs and not that much vilonce. or are they good places at all?




  1. here's some advice for hamilton. DONT DO IT! oh god hamilton so gross and violent and run down and ugh just dont do it. lol Oshawa isn't too bad though.  I'd recommend that

  2. As others have said, Hamilton has a pretty bad reputation for being run-down and sketchy. If you move there, you'll more than likely want to live on the mountain. Stay away from downtown or Hamilton East. You might also want to consider living in outlying areas like Burlington or Stoney Creek.

    Oshawa is better, but much smaller and the job market is not quite as strong. There's GM obviously, but there are not as many jobs there as there used to be. Downtown is kind of sketchy.

  3. Hamilton is  a working class city with a not very good reputation, and many run down neighbourhoods.

    Oshawa, is a bit better, but it also  has a major drug problem in the downtown core, and the biggest employer, General  Motors is in serious trouble, and is about to close one plant and serously reduce the work force at the other plant. Not a good sign for the future, is it ?

    There are lots of good places to live in Toronto, the ability to pay the rent will be tthe stumbling block, as anywhere.

    Jim B. Toronto.

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