
I need some advice on my photography.?

by Guest56911  |  earlier

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any constructive critisism is welcome.




  1. Nick, you're developing a good eye for composition, but watch where you put the horizon - and don't tilt it.  Several shots could use better focus. "Peek" has the focus on the landscape in the background, and the eyes are out of focus. "Nails" would look better if you were focused on the nail heads in the center. And "Pistil" seems a little fuzzy all over. Use a tripod and stop down more for those macro shots. "White" would have benefited from more uniform lighting - perhaps you could have shaded the flower from direct sun. A number of other pictures could use less harsh lighting, or maybe lower contrast. The shadows in "Lighthouse" and "Rainboots have gone totally black, for example. In "Beachrail", you're probably better off to let the shadows go darker and get some color in the background (and level the horizon). Interesting pictures; keep at it.

  2. These are good!How do you focus on like 1 thing?Like on the nails.It's all focused on it & stuff.

  3. Strung Up is the best you have so far. Pay attention to color temperature at the specific hours of a day when taking pics of flowers. White is overexposed, and bad hour, since the light is completely white, and so is the flower, you should have taken it at sunset, or when the sun is not that bright. Use carton or black paper when you need less light. Nails are not bad, good depth of field. Pistil, for example, is taken at the great hour, colors are bright, but the angle is terrible, that one you should have taken in contralight, even closer. The contrast is too much. The Guardian is too regular angle, also, when taking pics of something with texture, take it when the light hits it under 45degrees and you'll have great results.    

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