
I need some advice on my relationship!?

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Please if your going to answer this please reply telling the truth & dont be dumb about things. This is SERIOUS! Okay well....

I've been dating this guy for about 2 years and 1 month. My parents are really strick & they dont let me go out to places with him, if its only me & him. He's a few years older then me btw. Well, i have so many rules like i have to ask permission to use the phone, for him to come over & when he comes over we cant do anything. Like have 1 on 1 time. Well recently he told me that he thinks we should take a break. & wait untill im 18 to be back together, because he cant handle this relationship & the way that i have to always ask. So i'll be 18 in 9 months & right now were just good friends, we still tell eachother that we love eachother and stuff but still i wish we were together. I understand why he doenst want to be with me, because he wants to wait untill i can do stuff without asking. Like go to the movies and stuff. Well my question is what should i do? Should i just accept that and wait just like he's waiting for me? idk just give me some advice its really important. Thanks.




  1. Maybe it would be better if you waited or maybe you can talk to your parents and find out why they are acting so tuff.  Remind them you are turning 18 soon.

    Has your boyfriend done anything to make your parents dislike him? Anyway maybe you should wait for and if you both really do love each other then he should still be around when you turn 18.

    I'm sorry about the boyfriend thing. I understand how it feels.

  2. Are you asking about waiting because you want to start seeing someone that can accept the situation?

    If he is willing to wait til you become more available, I think it is sweet. If you want to be with him, then wait too. Maybe it will be worth the wait!

  3. i agree with him. you are not an adult yet and cannot make you own rules yet. 9 month is not that far and you can wait.

  4. He won't wait for you.  

    Let him go, do some serious thinking, and then start looking for a man who is not so much older than you are.

    Women invest more in relationships, which is why they find it harder to give up if they have put lots of emotion into a relationship, however weak it may be.  

    Here's a motto for you  -  at least until you are 30.  

    "If you have to choose between going and staying, GO."

      Go, while you have the freedom and energy to get on with life.  Develop some ambitions which involve only yourself  - to discover your clothes-style, to visit new countries, to do some volunteer work, to find out more about the world.  Before you know it, you'll be 40 and you'll hate to look back and think you've wasted your life on worthless people.

    Be free, be yourself, be ambitious

  5. I wanna say this without being rude, so please don't take it meanly. Your almost 18, a legal adult, and if he is a few years older than you, that could be 20 or even 21, and you can't even go places alone with him. This is ridiculous. I cannot believe you all have made it to two years. A relationship needs certain things to thrive, and alone time is one of those.  YOU need to sit down and have a talk with your parents, not him. He isn't doing anything wrong, I'm sure he's tried and tried to get over the fact he can't be alone with his girlfriend, and it finally hit him he just can't.  If you wanna talk more please e-mail me.

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