
I need some advice on my situation.?

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I got engaged to my g/f of 3 years and never thought of anyone else. I felt she was the best girl ever so I made that step forward and proposed. She moved in with me about 4 months before I proposed and everything went well. No other girl has ever messed with our relationship. I started going to a small technical school 1 month ago and got to know most of my class mates. The class is basically all friends because we are together for 5 hours 4 days a week and hang out as a class after school lets out. Well no one else wanted to do anything but me and this one girl so we decided to go get some pizza. Well we went and got ice cream then and we talked for about 4 hours about everything. Normally I don't tell much about my life but I was letting everything out to her and she was doing the same. Then we got going and I gave her a hug as a friend thing. Well the next day she was all I could think about and how great it was being around her.I don't know what is going on with me because before this all I ever wanted was my fiance. I mean nothing has changed in our relationship so I don't know why I am getting these feeling for another girl.




  1. it is sad but true that most men have little trouble considering having more than one lover at the same time  

  2. With THIS much doubt, and unsurety already, you are NOT ready to get married. You need to re-think it!  

  3. Well, you're engaged, not dead.

    It's normal to feel attracted to others. It's human.

    But the difference is, acting on it.

    As a married person, I will tell you, it's best to remove yourself from any situation where you feel a problem could arise.

    Unless you are definitely not into your fiance anymore. But if this is just a fleeting feeling, let it go.

    Imagine if the script was flipped (with your fiance and some dude).

    Good luck.

  4. being inlove with someone doesn't necessarily mean that you wouldn't get attracted to someone else. I think it is just normal. Cheating is something else.

  5. Maybe your not spending a lot of time with your fiance and you talked 4 hrs. or maybe you think you were cheating on your fiance and it excites you.  your not really cheating, she's just a friend sharing a pizza and conversation with you.  I think this is normal and you need to spend more time with your bride to be and talk about everything be more open with her.  Good luck  

  6. Probably your inner sence is trying to compare "hug feeling" with another girl so that you can come out confidently with your fiance in a life time bonding.

  7. Call off the wedding and ask your gf to leave the house.  If 4 hours a day 4 day a week gets you all fuzzy over a girl I can just imagine what will happen when you are in an office 8 hours a day, 5 days a week.

    You are not old enough to commit to a marriage.

    You should never have gone out with the kids from the class.  That was just asking for trouble.  That time should have spent on your gf.

  8. its absolutely normal...stick to the other gal as jus a friend...mayb a close friend...

  9. Are you really sure you are in love with your fiance?

    Well if yes, having been in love for the same person for 3 years in a young age is a big thing already. It could be that since you were given the same kind of caring and "love" for the past years, you tend to look for "something new". And you see that something new on the girl you are talking about. I think there's nothing wrong with that feeling. It's part of your more serious relationship with your fiance.

    And dude, just think about this, she was already enough for the past 3 years, won't she be enough for the years to come as well? ;)

    Just one thing, don't leave her just because you have this thing going on. You never know how many people she's got hots for but still chose to be with you ;)

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