
I need some advice on whether my aquarium is set up well and what to add to it next.?

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Currently, I have a roughly 30 gallon aquarium with the following things in it.

6 female betta fish (all of whom get along perfectly with very little fighting amongst themselves and with the other fish)

1 male fancy guppy

1 female fancy guppy

1 very young iridescent shark (whom once he grows up will be moving into a friends aquarium)

1 very young chinese algae eater

the aquarium also includes a roughly half a dozen various plants

the bottom of the aquarium is covered with gravel

the tank is also filtered and temperature controlled


That having been said, my algae eater is acting very strange. He jumps out of the water and clings to areas of the tank that are above water. Eventually when he gets tired he passes out floats to the bottom, wakes up and swims around like he is insane. Is there any reason he should be doing that?

Also, do you have any suggestions about anything else I should add to my tank?

Is this tank currently set up well?




  1. With that CAE, test the water parameters, specifically ammonia etc. Juvenile fish are far more vulnerable to water quality issues than more matured fish. Jumping out the water is a sign something is either up with the environment, or the fish has another problem such as the infamous ich which causes erratic behaviour, as well as other parasitic problems causing similar behaviour.

    (Fyi, pH levels aren't too important as long as they're fairly neutral at around 7.0-7.8 as most fish are adaptable, fluctuating pH however is a problem)

    Other than that (FYI also your CAE as it matures may become a threat to your guppies, especially the babies, it turns to a meaty diet as it matures) you've spotted the other problem with that ID Shark. I hope your friend has at least a 6-8ft tank/pond for him!

  2. I would get some rock formations to add more hiding places and a more natural habitat for them.  It will also help to keep your plants grounded as fish tend to move the gravel around.  Your algae eater is not getting enough food.  Also keep an eye on the beta as when they get bigger they become territorial and will kill each other.  Definitely keep some Stress Coat on hand.  Remember don't tap or bang on the glass it stresses them out.  

  3. i would get some endlers livebearers and can be bred with guppies

    also your algae eaters beihavior is strange but cool

  4. One or two more lady guppies or the male will be constantly hassling the single one for sexytime.

  5. with fish tanks the best rule of thumb is 2 inches of fish for every gallon of water. so a thirty gallon tank would safely hold 15 inches of fish (15  1inch fish, etc) the algae eater may be freaking out if theres no food for him, they won't eat regular fish food, you wouldn't believe how many people make that mistake. there is a food for sucker fish( algae eaters, plecostomus...) thats shaped like a disc, could also be theres no algae in your tank, and he's just trying to find some.

      also check into what ph levels different species need, some fish will emit a ph so high it will hurt more sensitive kinds of fish... this is also a possibility. i hope some of this was a little bit helpful

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