
I need some advice please?

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I want to start a new business. I want to sell wedding favors online. I've been saving money to start strong but I'm not there yet. as soon as I have all the money together i plan on building my website right now i started a blog... that talks about weddings and i will also talk about the wedding favors that i'll sell. Do you think the blog is a good idea and do you like it?? Any idea or advice for my new business ?




  1. Go for it.  Best wishes.  To me, the blog looks like every other wedding site/blog site out there....and offers very similiar advice to others in my opinion.  In looks borrowed---be careful about copywrite/legal issues.

    If you know you want to focus on selling wedding favors, then focus on selling wedding favors.  The wedding business is far too large to "do it all" and include every single bride.  Pick a niche and go for it 110%.   Add images of your own favor designs or tips or tricks or ideas instead of cliche clip art of flowers, brides and rings.  Teach people how to do it themselves and also highlight (and LINK BACK) to other nifty favor ideas on OTHER sites that you admire.  Blogs are co-dependant.  Without linking to others and making "friends" online with others in your similar industry (and it's NOT the entire wedding industry---it's the wedding FAVOR industry) you won't get links back and traffic to your blog (and website) will suffer.

    Just my two cents.

  2. Hi,

    Firstly you need to get yourself a proper domain name. For a business to be credable it must have its own .com or .org name. You can buy them for about £5 on or even from Yahoo.

    As for the blog itself - it looks quite nice. Many people however tend to buy there own webhosting and use a blog software called Wordpress. You can easily transfer your posts over. The advantage of this is that you can easily install new plugins which give you more features and functions.

  3. I went, but couldn't find the blog...

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