
I need some advice please read this and help me out.

by  |  earlier

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I liked this guy for a long time.

Never told him how I felt because we were both dating some one.

Now we are both single.

I was too afraid to approach him, so I had my friend talk to him on myspace.

Now he likes her, but she doesnt like him.

How do I get this boy to be mine?

He has never met her before.




  1. The amount of times I've been in this situation and wished I'd been more confident! Whats the worst that can happen, just ask him! Good Luck!

  2. You no wat girl..Just go for it..get some courage and tell him the way you feel and just who no's what might happen *wink* but WTF is with with ur frend..what kind of frend would flirt with the guy their frend likes *shakes head* no no. anyway so yea

    Hope this helps

  3. build upsome confidfent inside of you and go up  to him and have a nice little should be friends first  and maybe take it the next step. you friend should nicley tell him that she doesnt feel the same way and mabe she can put in a good word about you

  4. just go ahead and ask him out! (=

  5. Whoa, first I'd lose that friend of yours. She KNOWS you like him, and she is flirting with him, pretending to like him just for fun? Yep, first you need to get rid of her.

    As far as he is concerend, I would just try to be friends with him at first. You are going to have to get over your fear of talking to him.

    Whatever you do, DO NOT drop the bomb on him about what your friend was doing. At least not now, that could backfire on you. Lead to all kinds of problems, especially if she gets angry at you for ditching her, he already digs her, she might just actually keep it up just to hurt you.

    I would first just try to start some type of friendly conversation. Avoid that so called friend of yours. Then when you are confident that he and you are beginning to become friends, then you can tell that "friend" to go take a hike. Still, I would not say anything to this guy at all about her and what she was doing. By this time, hopefully she tired of toying with him and has moved on. If not, and she decides to sling sh-t and make up stuff about you, he may not even mention it. He may just figure she's immature. If he mentions it, well, then you can just tell him that she's angry at you because you won't hang out with her. You've witnessed her treating other people badly and you don't want anything to do with her. Leave it at that, you don't need to give details. You can save that for after the two of you have been dating awhile:)

  6. i would say ask your friend to tell him that she dont like him and then if hes really upset you can offer a shoulder to cry on and you neva kno he might fancy you aswell and then you neva kno

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