
I need some advice..

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my boyfriend broke up with me because he fell in love with another girl. he said he still loves me. I told him i am pregnant with his baby just so I can have him back. Now he's telling me that he already chose us (me and the baby) over the other girl. I want to ask him if it is only because of the baby but i am afraid of what he might answer.. im so confused i dont know what to do. he says that he doesnt want to lose me and even ask me to wait till his love for the other girl die.. he hasn't courted the girl yet, but i think she likes him too. what should i do? should i tell him that im not really pregnant and accept the consequences? my problem is that i dont know if i can take the consequence. please help..




  1. Tell him the truth.  Better now, coming from you, than when you can't fake it anylonger.  Why would you want someone that loves someone else.  He was honest with you, give him the same respect.  How were you planning to carry this lie out. Tell him the truth.

  2. It sounds to me like he wasn't worth lying to like that because he left you for another girl, but YET he is willing to accept the responsibility of being a father and that says something for him.

    You shouldn't have lied like that and to be honest you deserve the consequences that come from it. You cannot cover a lie like that, so you are going to have to come right out and tell him the truth and accept what comes with it.

    You should've left well enough a lone.

  3. Any relationship that is built on a lie is a house of cards.

    Eventually it all falls down...

  4. Wow, I'll tell you this...a relationship should never, NEVER, NEVER be built on a lie.  Because you'll be lying the whole way through it.  Because once he finds out your pregnancy isn't the truth, he'll probably hate you and you ruined what could have been if you just told him your true feelings.  At least he'd respect you, even if he decided not to remain with you.

    If it's meant to be, it will happen.  But if he truly loved you, he never would have walked away for another girl.  I'm just hoping that I'm not being too harsh in saying that.

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