
I need some advise.?

by  |  earlier

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About 2 months ago my dad and i were at d**k's sporting goods to buy stuff for baseball. we picked up some plastic cleat replacements (to buy) that had a clip on them. so when we got home we got everything situated. and i noticed that they weren't on the reciept. (the casheire probably thoiught they were ours) now i can use metal cleats and dicks has them for the same price as the others. so i am asking if i should return them and use the card to buy the metel ones or just say that they didn't ring them up?





  1. umm..

    they are probably going

    to think you stole them and

    then is trying to return

    them to get the money..

    i would just keep um and maybe

    like give um to someone you know

    who could use um!

  2. just take them back to the store and tell them that you werent charged.

  3. Honesty is the best policy. Take them back to the store and let the cashier know that you were not charged for them at the time of your original purchase.

    Think about things on a bigger scale...If you owned your own sporting goods store and you had customers who took advantage of an employees' mistake...and they did this on a daily basis at every store you owned across the you think you'd get angry because it meant you were losing money or would you just let it go? Remember, every time a customer gets something without paying for it means that YOU had to buy it, you got nothing for a sale and it was basically stolen out of your store. Would you be angry?

    Be a bigger person and take back the item that you did not purchase rightfully. Explain that it was not rang up during the original purchase. Then purchase the metal cleats that you want. You will feel better and your conscience won't be making you feel guilty every time you put those cleats on.

  4. haha i'm not sure what you should do but the same thing happened to me. i was at walmart with my dad and we were buying a bunch of stuff for our computer and we got a printer when we got home we looked at the reciept cuz my sis wanted to know how much the printer was cuz she wanted one. we couldnt find the printer anywhere on the reciept and the amount came to wayyy less then what it should've been. cuz it was like $105 or something like that and the printer was $100. so yeah. we got a free printer haha. we didnt even realize it until we got home. obviously the girl scanned it cuz the thingy didnt go off. haha
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