
I need some amazing facts about being eco-friendly.....?

by  |  earlier

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something that really encourages people to move towards recycled stuff....




  1. Use plastic forks, knives, and spoons along with foam plates for your meals. You will be saving water and putting less phosphates into the ecosystem by not having to wash dishes. Burn coal instead of wood you'll save the trees that way as well. If you have any old oil lying around pour it on any gravel areas to help keep the dust down. I practice all these methods and feel I'm doing my part, now you can do your's with these tips.

  2. well....Ppl r always crazy abt them how much u can save when u are eco frendly.u save money and also the environment.i have been trying to persuade ppl to stop using plastic more thing is show how healthy one can   lead their life if they are eco using glass bottles instead of plastic ones.even food grade plastic is harmful after sometime.Glass is not

  3. I really like this fact that I have been using lately, when I first researched it I really was shocked at the energy that was used through production of aluminium.

    By recycling aluminium cans, it takes only 4% of the energy to recycle them than to produce them from raw materials. Saving 64 300 kWh/t. Taking the UK average price of 7.52p/kWh, this equates to a saving of £4 835/t of aluminium in energy costs and emissions of about 29t of Co2. This is enough to power a Virgin Pendolino train for 4537km, that's over 15 one-way journeys from London Euston to Manchester Picadilly.

    Ultimately the cost of production of packing is bourne by the consumer.

    There are also details of energy savings by recycling here;

    Energy Saving

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