
I need some answers. Please (woman problem)?

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I've always had an irregular period ever since i started it, but ever since getting off of the depo birth control shot its gotten worse. I didn't have my period for about 6 months then at the first of the month i started and i still am bleeding. At first it wasn't a lot it was just a normal blood flow but now I'm bleeding way more then ever in my life. I'm even bleeding past my tampons. I have never had any kids or never been pregnant. I'm only 20 years old. Can this be caused by stress or is this something really serious? Please someone I need some help or some answers.




  1. I'm glad your off it! Depo sucks!! Some side effects are weight gain and discoloring of your skin especially the face. I also got pregnant while on the Depo so I guess it's not very effective. Good Luck!!

  2. That's classic depo I'm afraid.

    The injection is a really high dose of hormones, and the common side effect is that it does mental things with your period.

    If you talk to your doctor, they may prescripe you a short, say 3 month, course of the pill to take on top of the depo. Normally, after this it goes back to either vaguely regular, or vanished.

    Make sure you're getting enough iron with all that bleeding!

  3. You need to go in and get checked out. It sounds like you may have PCOS. Basicly your hormones are out of whack. When you have this you can bleed really heavy, and only have a period once a year. And also it does get worse with stress. Also if you have hair on your face, neck ect it can be caused by this also. Get checked out and a doctor can help you better figure this out.

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