
I need some answers about break through bleeding in pregnancy?

by  |  earlier

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id like to know anything and everything you know about it. is it, or can it be mistaken for a normal period???




  1. It happened to me once... not to scare you , I ended up mis-carrying... I have heard of other woman who had their periods through some if not all of their pregnacies... however I dont know how that would be possible... you should look on WebMD.

  2. Breakthrough Bleeding

    Some women experience what is known as ‘breakthrough bleeding’ at the times when your period would have normally been due. So this would be at 4, 8 and 12 weeks of pregnancy. It is often accompanied by the feeling that you would normally associate with your period being imminent i.e. back ache, cramps, a heavy sensation in your pelvis, feeling bloated . Of course the period doesnt arrive (even though you feel like it will) because you are actually pregnant! During pregnancy, hormones prevent your period from occurring. Sometimes the hormone levels are not yet high enough to stop your period and therefore you have this breakthrough bleeding. It can last for around three months – after this time the placenta begins to take over hormone production from your ovaries. Some women may experience breakthrough bleeding throughout the whole pregnancy and have healthy babies, under the close watch of their carer.hope this helps.

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