
I need some answers please?

by  |  earlier

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I really like this person and I see this person often.I started liking this person the moment I met them.I cant think of anything to say to them though.I think about them day and night.What should I do?




  1. Why don't you try being honest

    Hi  you know at the risk of making a fool of myself and not mention putting   you on the spot

    i would like to share something with you

    i liked you from the moment i saw  you

    I'm kinda shy and really didn't know what to say at first

    but i felt i  could not go on  unless  i told you  i think about you a lot

    and would like to get to know  you

    as friends of course

    and if its kewl  would you like  to ----------

    she says yes  relax and enjoy it

    she says  no  don't take it personal

    it will be  a growing experience either way

    best wishes

  2. go up to them, greet them, and talk or joke about w/e you want,then ask that person out on a date

  3. get a friend to see if they liek you and then ask them out

  4. send a simple text sayin

    "your on my mind and thought id let you know im thinking of you(",)x"

    thats all, that'l let the person know your thinkin bot them

    its simple but nice

  5. ask them simply if they want to hang out sometime, and go from there.

  6. lol u have a crush.

    get a friend to introduce u n see if u have anything in common.

  7. I see you live by this philosophy...."If someone doesn't love you , you can always stalk them until they panic and give in..."   LMFAO!!

    Just tell them, easy as pie.

  8. ask them out

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